What does Successful blogging mean to me?

I have always loved writing, the first time I got published, I was 11, and quite a number of times after that. Writing has always been my best form of expression, a coping mechanism where I get my best ideas and clarity. I express myself better as writer than as a speaker.
When I am writing or able to write, it implies that everything is ok with me in a sort of therapeutic way because while I may not be totally fine, if I able to write about something, it is usually a good sign that I am handling that thing (whatever it is) well, and not consumed by it. I have always wanted to blog, writing if not for anything, for my own sake, as an outlet to express myself.
The biggest thing going on in my life right now is creating a career for myself in data science, but it is more than getting a career for me, it is part of a larger journey to the best form of myself, an opportunity to take control of my life, do the things I really love and start on a new path to become the person of my dreams.
So while I am on this path, I want to be able to write about it, to write about what I am learning: the process and all the challenges. If I am able to write about and I hope to, (in fact I will), it will mean comprehension of what I am learning and help me to stay on course.
Technical writing is hard, I won't lie and it positively scares me, there's nothing that gives me imposters syndrome like reading technical articles by other people, I get scared I might not get to that level of expertise, that I might be wrong, I might never understand enough to write like that. But that is also part of what this new journey is about; to begin to do things in spite of these fears, to put myself out, push myself forward and go after the things I really want.
So what does successful blogging means to me?.
Whenever I am able to write about something its usually a sign of confidence and comfort in that topic and that is the direction I want to be headed. Successful blogging to me is me writing about my journey consistently, not from a sense of obligation but as a means of expression and deriving genuine satisfaction, putting in efforts to make things happen, pushing myself to do better, be better and and documenting my process. And if I am able to blog consistently, it will mean I am making progress in my journey, that I am pushing past my fears, and even though it is hard, that I am putting in the work and pushing myself forward and I am making progress.
And I hope in all my "makings", I am able to share hope and positivity and even knowledge to people that come across what I write.
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Ameenah lawal
Ameenah lawal
Data and Cloud Person