The Internet age

Let’s take a good look back guys.
In 1970’s, Vint Cerf and Bob kahn worked on a design which is called the INTERNET. Though it was as a result of another intended experiment called the APRANET which means Advanced research projects agency Network.
Paul Baron was trying to figure out a communication system that will survive and this landed to a packet of networks.Nobody literally controls the internet and it has no central provider.
The internet just ships in binary information. It is made up of bits(1 or 0). In this current dispensation we send bits either through electricity, light and radio wave.
While those days it was Braille and Telegraph wires.
Let’s go on to what BANDWIDTH means? Bandwidth is simply the maximum transmission capacity of a device.I am sure we have heard of this term especially for website developers.
That will take us to what BIT RATE means and that is the number of Bits that we can send over a given period of time.
Now you wonder the term that stands for the time it takes a Bit to travel from one place to another?🧐🧐 That is simply called LATENCY Time is a huge factor we makes us desire a quicker platform to reach a larger audience in the of sending bit which is Light. It was used because it moves from one place to another using fibre optic cables,this cables reflect light and this can send multiple bits at speed of light though the only cons is that it’s expensive and hard to work with especially with the Fibre cables.
How was this solved?
Radio waves was used. Radio waves produce signals to send bits from one place to another.The machines as to convert the binary numbers into radio waves while receiving the machine. Converts the radio signals to binary numbers.
What’s an IP address? This is a unique address given to every computer that is on the internet the full meaning of IP is internet protocol address a vivid example is and it is represented in bits about 32 bits for the IPV4 that was used in 1978 to 1980’s it could host about 4 billion users but in the modern world the latest is IPV6 and this is about 128 bits and can house as many as 340 decillion users. Wow you could imagine how many that is!!
But then that IP address is associated with an elder sibling which is called the DNS and that is the Domain name system and the computer simply just uses this DNS to look up the main name of the website associated with the IP address and it later connects to the computer. This DNS was created for open public communication protocol.
But then this bad guys go about DNS spoofing which means hacking into a DNS server and changing the IP address while still maintaining the website’s name and then perform fraudulent activities.
Now lets simply look at ENCRYPTION which literally refers to scrambling and changing of a message in order to hide it while DECRYPTION is just simply unscrambling an information. Nowadays we use about 256 bits to encrypt an information,note that this doesn’t increase the encryption chances but it only makes the Hacker spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to decrypt such kind of information.
To Decrypt a Key is needed. In those days a sender(encrypter) and the reciever(decrypter) share the same key what we refer to as SYMMETRIC ENCRYPTION but nowadays computers make use of ASSYMETRIC ENCRYPTION.
Computers use asymmetric keys that is a public key that anybody can exchange but a private key that is not shared with anyone.
Thanks for reading guys
Watch out for my next series about the internet and do well to check the CODE CLAN NIGERIA COMMUNITY for more information as relating to what you see here following this link below
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