Huhnitor Installation Tutorial

2 min read

Installing Huhnitor is the first step to getting started with the Deauther V3. Huhnitor is our cross-platform, open-source command-line tool built for a better Deauther V3 user experience.

UPDATE: You can now visit to access a serial terminal in your browser! It's a great alternative to Huhnitor if you don't want to install anything. You just need a compatible browser. Learn more:

Installation on Windows

Huhnitor Version 1.1.2 Windows .exe file on the release page

Installation on Windows is one of the easiest methods. Download the latest .exe file from the release page and open it. The file name should look like this: "hunitor_[version]_windows.exe".

Installation on Linux (Ubuntu or similar)

If you've installed something on Ubuntu before, this shouldn't be an unfamiliar process. If you don't have snap installed already, follow these steps:

With snap installed, open a terminal and run the command:

sudo snap install huhnitor --edge --devmode

After the installation has finished, you can start Huhnitor by running:

sudo huhnitor

Installation on Arch Linux

Arch users can install Huhnitor by running:

yay -S huhnitor

After the installation has finished, you can start Huhnitor by running:

sudo huhnitor

Installation on macOS

Homebrew website

Install Homebrew. You can do so by running a single command via the terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After that, you'll need to add the repository to your sources:

run brew tap spacehuhntech/huhnitor

Now you can install Huhnitor:

brew install huhnitor

With all of that done, you can start Huhnitor in the terminal via:


Compiling it yourself

Have troubles installing Huhnitor with the methods explained above? You can also compile Huhnitor yourself!

Rustup website

  1. Huhnitor is written in the programming language rust, so you'll need to install rust. Go to and follow the steps.

  2. Additionally, depending on your operating system, you'll either have to run sudo apt install libudev-dev pkg-config on Linux or make sure you've got Visual C++ Build Tools 2019 installed on Windows.

  3. Now, you can continue and download the repository by running the command git clone or by downloading the zip file and extracting it.

  4. After that, you'll want to navigate to the newly created Huhnitor folder, where you can execute the next step, cd Huhnitor.

  5. Inside the Huhnitor folder, you have two options: You can either start Huhnitor directly via cargo run or by running cargo build --release to create a binary file for your system.

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CS student building open-source tools for fun and profit. Mostly hacking around with Arduino.