Everything you need to know while writing markdown .md

Hey guys let's learn some basic on writing in markdown file.

It's not to big article on markdown, it is going to be more like cheat sheet on markdown.

let's go.....

  • heading

    # this is heading

    this is heading

    this is how it will look. the more '#' you add, more heading becomes small. see below example

    # heading1
    ## heading2
    ### heading3




    those number of '#' goes till 6.

  • Bold

      **this is bold** ok

    this is bold ok

    you can make it bold by this syntax to(both works same)

    __this is bold__

    this is bold

  • Italic

      *this is italic* ok i know

    this is italic ok i know

    same you can make italic text in another way as bold by

    _this is italic_

    this is italic

  • List

    order list
  1. first
  2. second 
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third

you must do correct Indentation you can also create nested list by manipulating Indentation.

unordered list

  - first
  - second 
  - third
  • first
  • second
  • third
  •   [click me](https://www.linkedin.com/in/avishkar-vichare-35b19b225/)

    click me

  • Images

    for adding image syntax is ...

    ![this text will show if image not availble](image url)


 ![saved.png](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1658572926845/klckid8R1.png     align="left")


  • last one

    > this is it

    this is it

that's all enough for markdown I guess.

thanks for reading

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Written by

Avishkar Vichare
Avishkar Vichare