Markdown File ( Md File)

Rohit MadeshiyaRohit Madeshiya
3 min read

Markdown is a lightweight markup language intended for one purpose, to be used to format text on the web with plain text formatting syntax

1. How To Make Headings

Their are six heading levels in markdown. Number of Hashes represents the Heading level.

Syntax is :

# Heading One -> For Heading Level One || Its The Largest Heading
## Heading Two -> These Have In Between Heading Size 
### Heading Three -> These Have In Between Heading Size 
#### Heading Four -> These Have In Between Heading Size  
##### Heading Five -> These Have In Between Heading Size 
###### Heading Six ->For Heading Level Six || Its The Smallest Heading

Note : Keep space before the text which start after the #

2. How to make text Bold

Their are two ways to bold a text :

  • By using Double asterisk (** **)
  • By using Double underscore (__ __)

Syntax is :

// First Way
**Bold One**
// Second Way
__Bold Two__

3. How to make text Italic

Their are two ways to bold a text :

  • By using Single asterisk (* *)
  • By using Single underscore (_ _) Syntax is :
// First Way
*Italic One*
// Second Way
_Italic Two_

Note | Bonus Point ๐Ÿ˜… How to make a Text Bold and Italic Together :

Syntax is :

// First Way
***Bold and Italic One***
// Second Way
___Bold and Italic Two___

3. How to Write code Snippets

We use ``` to create code block. Text which comes inside these backticks is come as code snippets.

Syntax is :

Start Backticks
  ```for (let I = 0; I < cars. Length; I++) {
          text += cars[I] + "<br>";
    }```  End Backticks

4. How to Define a Keyword of code

We use ` to create code block. Text or keyword come inside this backtick is come as keyword.

Syntax is :

  `for`   this is a keyword

We use two type of brackets together two create a link first backet is square bracket to show the text as a link and second bracket is parenthesis to add the URL.

Syntax is :

[Rohit Madeshiya]( "Text Which Comes on Hover on link")

6. How to Add Images

Syntax of adding image is bit similar as adding links. In square bracket That text will come which is going to visible when somehow our image is not visible. In parenthesis path of image would be come. It may be local system path or a path of image which is on a website.

Syntax is :

![Text Which will b](

6. Lists

Their are two types of list which we use :

  • Unordered List
  • Ordered List

Let's Discuss about Unordered list

In unordered list items would be come as list having dots before the text instead of numbers or alphabets.

Syntax :

- Item One
- Item Two


Unordered List

  • Item One
  • Item Two

Let's Discuss about Ordered list

In Ordered list items would be come as list having Number before the text.

Syntax :

1. Item One
2. Item Two


ordered List

  1. Item One
  2. Item Two
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Written by

Rohit Madeshiya
Rohit Madeshiya

I am an enthusiastic and motivated sub-degree computer from TIMT. I am currently working on to become a Full Stack Developer. Apart from this, You can check my portfolio website which shows my Frontend Skills as of now.