Markdown Cheat Sheet

A quick reference to the Markdown syntax.


Basic Syntax

  • # H1
  • ## H2
  • ### H3
  • **Bold**
  • or __Bold__
  • *Italic*
  • or _Italic_
Blockquote> blockquote
Ordered List
  • 1. First item
  • 2. Second item
Unordered List
  • - First item
  • - Second item
Code SnippetUse backtick (``) before and after the code, You can use pair od three backticks(```)
Horizontal Rule---

To create a link

Enclose the link text in brackets

[Link To Go](


To add an image

Add an exclamation mark (!), followed by alt text in brackets, and the path or URL to the image asset in parentheses.

![The San Juan Mountains are beautiful!](/assets/images/san-juan-mountains.jpg "Title when hover")

These are some basic markdown syntax, there are more syntaxes also to make beautiful markdown files that we will discuss later on.

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Written by

Vidya Sagar Mehar
Vidya Sagar Mehar