Weekly achievements and future goals (CW30)

Michael GruberMichael Gruber
6 min read

Welcome to another weekly update of my life. Yeah, I am still grinding! More on fire than ever before! This introduction is very short today. I just want to tell you that even if your goals seem to be so far away — think of it as if you already reached them. You will get there if you stay consistent, trust me! Keep going!


It’s going very well with the coding bootcamp. I have finally found a place where I feel save to learn it from front to end without worrying if I may take the wrong tutorial for the next topic. No starting over’s again, one way, and that’s it.

Let’s take a look at my learning strategy since I think some might be interested in how I actually go through the tutorial now. There are two different types of progress— the “practice” one and the “only watch” one. My strategy is to first watch the tutorials and code the same stuff the next day or the day thereafter. Thus, not watching and immediately code it like the watch and code strategy I followed before. I really take my time to watch Angela coding and try to really understand it to replicate it after some time passed. Let’s see if that’s a way I can better keep all the concepts in mind.

Monday(1hr) — Introduction to HTML, heading tags, break tags, anatomy of html tags.

Tuesday(1hr) — anchortags, created a personal page, linked a contact page and a hobbies page, still everything with HTML only, tables with HTML.

Wednesday(1hr) — continued with HTML tables, nested tables, started with HTML forms.

Thursday(1hr) — Continued with HTML forms, started with CSS, inline CSS, internal CSS, external CSS.

Friday(3hrs) — Reviewed what I have learned so far.

What are my plans for the following weeks?

I will continue to learn that way and really stick to mo-fr for practice but will watch on weekends too. I am only watching when doing cardio — That’s 4 times a week for 1 hour. The real practise is about 2 hours each day from Mo-Fr.


This week I solely focused on Chainlink.

This week I covered the following topics:

  • Smart Contracts & Oracle Problem
  • Chainlink Oracles and Chainlink Smart Contract Types
  • Continued with Chainlink Smart Contract Types (Requesting Contract, Chainlink Service Level Agreement (SLA) Contract, Reputation Contract, Order Matching Contract, Aggregating Contract)
  • Validation of off-chain data by Chainlink Aggregating Contract, Process of bringing off-chain data → on-chain.
  • Why we need LINK tokens when using the service of Chainlink Oracles.

What are my plans for the following weeks?

My strategy is to cover one blockchain a week for the following weeks. Thus, one blockchain introduction a week. This way I will learn more about the whole ecosystem around blockchain.


Since I am working out in the gym again with that insane functional area I am even more motivated. I am still working a lot on the basics and especially doing exercises a 100% correct. This is way more tricky than you might think. Most people just don’t give enough importance to that and end up with injuries before they even come close to the planche. Currently, I am working out 7 times a day. I have my new schedule below. I needed to change AGAIN because of going to the gym again. Now I will try to stick to that routine and as previously mentioned not to go to advanced exercises until I can do certain reps of the basic exercises.

Monday — 25 min Handstand + 25 min Pull Ups + 10 min Stretching + 60 min Cardio [Treadmill]

Tuesday —55 min Planche + 55 min Dips + 10 min Stretching

Wednesday — 60 min Mobility + 60 min Cardio [Ergometer]

Thursday — 55 min Handstand + 55 min Pull Ups + 10 min Stretching

Friday — 25 min Planche + 25 min Dips + 10 min Stretching + 60 min Cardio [Treadmil]

Saturday — 60 min Mobility +60 min Cardio [Stairmaster + Rope Jumping]

Sunday — 55 min Planche + 55 min Dips + 10 min Stretching

What are my plans for the following weeks?

Simply sticking with it and most importantly — getting into a healthy eating habit in which I do not eat too less. I want to reduce the calorie deficit to 500 kcal max. At the moment I am simply eating less for what I am working out. Sometimes I burn about 3500 kcal a day in total. That’s what my Fitbit tells me and google says the watch is tracking quite precisely. I have been way too much in deficit so my body started to store and get the whole metabolism down. At the moment I look more as I don’t do any sport in terms of fat percentage. This is quite discouraging but you know what, consistency is key. I know I will reach my goals, maybe not immediately but definitely!

Social Media Growth

That’s a topic I am not all too happy with. I am growing but very very very slow. At least there is some progress. I will continue improving and posting content out there. As already said, the most important is to help some people out there with some motivating words or content that helps them to grow. That’s all. Nothing more!

What are my plans for the following weeks?

I will stick to my USP — CONSISTENCY.

Mindset & Habit building

I would say that it went quite well with all the habits this week except with the power naps. This is something way more difficult than I was thinking.

Cold Showers (in progress, Week 4☑️): I have showered cold at least once a day. This works well. You feel very energized after those showers.

Evening Routine — Meditation, Brainstorming, Reading (in progress, Week 5☑️): I have removed the stretching from the evening routine since I incorporated it into the gym workouts. I even have 2 days with stretching and mobility exercises for a full hour.

Power Naps: I have really tried but actually failed each time. I just cannot fall asleep. I think I need to find a perfect place, a perfect body position, and the perfect time for it. I will continue to work on that.

Weekly Achievements

I am really proud that I found a gym routine with which I am really happy. It feels good to workout there instead of at home totally alone. This really gave me another boost! I am also proud that I still don’t even think about quitting in any area even if for social media it feels like I am posting into the void. However, I will not stop! No way!

Wish you a great start to the new week full of opportunities!

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Written by

Michael Gruber
Michael Gruber

COO of SnS Commerce ⚙️ | Daily content about ➡️ coding & growth 🌱 | I'm the ass kick you need to get started with coding & achieving your goals 🚀