My High-school and University Experience.

I completed my high-school and my life as a school student in 2021. I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience from my high-school life.

During high-school I first entered class XI with science stream. I was terrified in the beginning because I think in our education system, there is a huge gap between the level of content that is taught in class X v.s that in class XI. It took me a little time to adjust but, I started getting used to it. Highschool was not only about studies. It was mostly about making memories. When I first entered class XI, there were a bunch of new faces in the class who I never thought would be such good friends in no time. I was from a KV, and it has it's own set of various activities where we compete with schools from different regions, states etc. I started taking part in a lot of activities and travelled from place to place to compete in those.

Everything was going well, and then COVID-19 came. Our schools were closed. Everything was shifted to online mode and honestly, it was not as effective as offline studies. In the beginning, I thought of it as a great opportunity to remove all my backlogs. I started studing seriously since I had to appear for JEE. I was all pumped up till Nov-Dec but then I started getting off track. Our final exams were cancelled, JEE was postponed. There was no proper date sheet for the entrance exams for a long time.

I didn't do well in JEE. I planned on taking a drop year since class 11 but after being at home for a whole year I was not at all in the condition to study Physics, Chemistry, Maths again for JEE. I was interested in coding since class 8. I have done a little bit of python earlier but, I started serious coding only after my JEE. I took admission in a central university but I didn't get CSE.

As Carl Bard said: “Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” I am doing my in ECE. Currently I am learning DSA from Kunal Kushwaha's youtube course. I am also learning Web Development and have made a few projects. I want to see myself working somewhere in the IT sector in a few years and I am ready to work hard enough for that.


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Written by

Abhinav Upadhyay
Abhinav Upadhyay