How to rewrite subdomain to subpath without using a reverse proxy?

Hey friends 👋,


I was re-coding a website service for and I wanted users to have their websites linked to a subdomain of my application.

My project is using Next.js and it was deployed with Vercel.

This blog will show you step by step how I managed to rewrite a dynamic subdomain to a dynamic subpath.

Setting Up Vercel

Navigate to Vercel’s Dashboard and choose the project that you are working on. Go to Settings → Domains and add a wildcard subdomain by adding

Vercel Domain Setup

Setting Up Next.js

Now that we finished setting up Vercel, you can now setup your next.js project. Add a middleware.js file at the root of your project.

Enter the following code:

import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'

export const config = {
  matcher: ['/', '/_sites/:path'],

export default async function middleware(req) {
    const url = req.nextUrl;
    const hostname = req.headers.get('host');

    const subpath = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? hostname.slice(0, hostname.indexOf('.')) : 'www';

    if (subpath !== 'www') {   
        url.pathname = `/_sites/${subpath}${url.pathname}`;

    return NextResponse.rewrite(url);

(Relative source code:

The code above sees if one of the matcher elements matches with the URL entered. It gets the subdomain from the host of the request and rewrites the page to<subdomain>.

Now that you’ve setup your middleware, go to your dynamic page and add the following code:

export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
    const mappedSubdomains = await axios.get(`${config.serverUrl}/api/website/getMappedSubdomains`, {
        headers: {
            Authorization: `bearer ${process.env.CREATE_WEBSITE_TOKEN}`
        // mapped subdomains returns an array of the possible subdomains
    // so you would need to find all the website data that has the route key (in my case)
    // and create an array of { params: { siteRoute: websiteData.route } }
        // example:
        // exports.getMappedSubdomains = async (req, res, next) => {
        //     try {
        //         ...
        //         const websites = await Website.find({ route: {
        //             $exists: true,
        //             $ne: ''
        //         } });

        //         const mappedSubdomains = => {
        //             return { params: { siteRoute: websiteData.route } }
        //         })

        //         res.status(200).json(mappedSubdomains);

        //     } catch (err) {
        //         next(err);
        //     }
        // }

    return {
        fallback: true,

export const getStaticProps = async ({ params: { siteRoute } }) => {
        // Gets the route from<siteRoute>
        // and pass it to the component's props
    const site = await axios.get(`${config.serverUrl}/api/website/getWebsiteByRoute`, {
        params: {
            route: siteRoute
        headers: {
            Authorization: `bearer ${process.env.CREATE_WEBSITE_TOKEN}`
        // site will return the website data

    return {
        revalidate: 3600

(Relative source code:[siteRoute]/index.js)


Here is my website: which rewrites to


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Written by

Stephen Asuncion
Stephen Asuncion

20 years old