Running a Minecraft Server on an Exoscale Kubernetes Cluster using Pulumi and CUE

TL;DR The code
As usual, here is the location of the code.
To celebrate the launch of the Exoscale Pulumi provider, I decided to create a Pulumi
program that deploys a Minecraft
server on an Exoscale SKS cluster.
But to give the article a little plot twist, I decided to use CUE to define the Pulumi
program. We create a CUE module that will define the Pulumi
program and the actuel SKS cluster implementation will be defined as a CUE package.
So we can create several SKS cluster implementations using the CUE
To follow this article, we` need to have the following tools installed:
CLI installedPulumi
CLI installedExoscale
CLI (optional)
And we need to have an Exoscale
account. Head over to Exoscale to create an account.
is a Swiss cloud provider, that offers a wide range of cloud services. It offers a wide range of cloud services like:
- Compute instances
- Kubernetes clusters
- Object storage
- Databases as a service (PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Opensearch, MySql)
It has several datacenters in Europe, which is really a nice, not only this gives us the possibility to deploy your applications in the datacenter that is closest to your users, but we can also create a high availability setup.
Following datacenters are available:
- Frankfurt (Germany)
- Munich (Germany)
- Zurich (Switzerland)
- Vienna (Austria)
- Geneva (Switzerland)
- Sofia (Bulgaria)
I am huge fan of European cloud providers, and I am happy to see that with Exoscale
there is an alternative to the big three cloud providers.
Create your API key
As soon as you have created an account, you are able to create an API key. This API key will be used by Pulumi
to create the resources.
Head over to the<account>/iam/api-keys
page and create a new API key. You can give it a name, like pulumi
, so you know what it is used for later.
And that's it, you have created your API key. Let us head over to install the Pulumi
Pulumi - Modern infrastructure As Code
is an open-source infrastructure-as-code tool for creating, deploying and managing cloud infrastructure. Pulumi
works with traditional infrastructures like VMs, networks, and databases and modern architectures, including containers, Kubernetes clusters, and serverless functions. Pulumi
supports dozens of public, private, and hybrid cloud service providers.
Installing Pulumi
Before we can start to deploy our infrastructure, we need to install the Pulumi CLI. This can be done either on your local development machine or on your build agent. We cover the installation of the cli for some scenarios in the next section.
stores metadata about your infrastructure so that it can manage your cloud resources and detected any changes betyouen two deployments. This metadata is called state.
stores its state in a backend of your choosing. There are two types of backends:
- Service: a managed cloud experience using the online or self-hosted
Service application - Self-Managed: There is a wide range of self-managed backends available from AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, any AWS S3 compatible server to even your local filesystem.
Head over to Pulumi service to create your free SaaS backend. No need to handle state files.
Installation on macOS
You can install Pulumi
through the Homebrew package manager and using the official Pulumi
Homebrew Tap. Open a terminal and type the following command:
$ brew install pulumi/tap/pulumi
Installation on Windows
You can install Pulumi
using elevated permissions through the Chocolatey package manager:
$ choco install pulumi
Installation on Linux
To install, run the installation script via the following command:
$curl -fsSL | sh
This will install the pulumi CLI to ~/.pulumi/bin
and add it to your path. If this command fails at automatically adding pulumi to your path, you will be prompted to add it manually.
Alternatively, we can install Pulumi
manually. Pulumi
provided a prebuilt binary for Linux.
Head over to the available versions page to choose the version of Pulumi
you want to install.
Extract the tarball and move the binaries in the pulumi directory to a directory included in your system’s $PATH
Verifying your Installation
To verify that we have successfully installed Pulumi
, run the following command:
$ pulumi version
What is CUE?
is a logical language for working with config, schemas, data, and executing on these things.
First, we should understand that CUE
is not a general purpose language and instead aims for Turing-incompleteness. The underlying philosophy is that it is harder for both humans and tooling to understand configuration and data that has been programmed together.
Remember: CUE
is a superset of JSON. This means we can represent any JSON in CUE
with a slightly different syntax and then add the CUE
magic to it!
Example: cars.json
"cars": [
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
And the same data in CUE
cars: [
brand: "Ford"
model: "Mustang"
year: 1964
Let's think about JSONSchema
, they are separate concepts. One defines a schema, the other is data. In CUE
they are the same. CUE
merges types and values into a single concept, the value lattice. This gives us the ability to define schemas, refine with constraints, and create valid data in the same file. It also means defining schemas is more natural with how we think about and write code as humans.
With CUE
, when we write code, it is not instructions for the computer. Rather, we are specifying something and CUE
tells we if it is valid or not. If this sounds weird right now, worry not, it becomes natural pretty quickly. Under the hood, CUE
analyzes your code with graph unification algorithms based in part on NLP techniques from the 90’s (pre deep learning). Because of this, we can spread configuration across directories and packages, pulling common schema, constraint, logic, and values into reusable modules.
There is a good YouTube videos about CUE
made from Matty
and Alison Dowdney
you can go check out:
Installing CUE
command line tool is available for macOS, Linux, and Windows. You can check on the official installation page for detailed instructions depending on your OS.
As I am using macOS
and Homebrew
, I will use the following command to install CUE
brew install cue-lang/tap/cue
Verify that the installation was successful by running the following command:
cue version
And we should see the following output:
cue version 0.4.3 darwin/amd64
And that's it, we have installed CUE
and are ready to start using it.
Create your Pulumi project
is a multi-language infrastructure as code tool using imperative languages to create a declarative infrastructure description.
You have a wide range of programming languages available, and you can use the one you and your team are the most comfortable with. Currently, (11/2022) Pulumi
supports the following languages:
- Node.js (JavaScript / TypeScript)
- Python
- Go
- Java
- .NET (C#, VB, F#)
As we want to use CUE
we will use YAML.
Create a project folder (for example pulumi-exoscale
) and navigate into the newly created directory:
mkdir pulumi-exoscale && cd pulumi-exoscale
Create a new Pulumi
program with the following command:
pulumi new yaml
This command will walk you through creating a new Pulumi project.
Enter a value or leave blank to accept the (default), and press <ENTER>.
Press ^C at any time to quit.
project name: pulumi-exoscale
project description: (A minimal YAML Pulumi program)
Created project 'pulumi-exoscale'
Please enter your desired stack name.
To create a stack in an organization, use the format <org-name>/<stack-name> (e.g. `acmecorp/dev`).
stack name: (dev) team1
Created stack 'dev'
Your new project is ready to go! ✨
To perform an initial deployment, run `pulumi up`
As we want to use CUE
, we need to change following line in the Pulumi.yaml
runtime: yaml
to the following:
name: yaml
compiler: cue export
The reason behind is that Pulumi
YAML includes native support for languages that compile to YAML/JSON via the compiler
runtime option and Pulumi
will run whatever program and arguments are specified in compiler and interpret the output as a Pulumi
YAML program.
Now we can start writing our infrastructure as code.
First, we need to create our CUE
module. Create a new folder called cue.mod
and create a new file called module.cue
in it.
It contains the following content, which is the basic structure of a CUE
module: ""
Then we can create our first package. Create a new folder called sks
and create a new file called sks.cue
in it.
Now we can start to create our CUE
schemas. For this we create two Defintions
, one for the Minecraft
server properties and one for the Exoscale
SKS cluster.
#MinecraftServerProperties: {
version: *"latest" | string
type: *"VANILLA" | string
motd: *"Hello from Exoscale" | string
Here we see also the first CUE
feature, which is the default value. We can define a default value for a field by using a *
before the type. In this case, we define the default value for the version
field to be latest
and for the type
field to be VANILLA
. The motd
field gets the default value Hello from Exoscale
Now we can create our second definition for the Exoscale
SKS cluster:
#ExoscaleMinecraft: {
resourceName: strings.MaxRunes(10) & =~"^[a-z0-9-]+$"
sksZone: string
sksVersion: *"1.25.1" | string
sksCNI: *"calico" | string
sksNodePoolSize: int & >=1 & <=10
sksNodePoolInstanceType: *"standard.medium" | string
mcNamespace: *"minecraft" | string
mcChartVersion: *"4.4.0" | string
minecraftServerProperties: #MinecraftServerProperties
variables: {
"default-sec-group": {
"fn::invoke": {
function: "sks:index/getSecurityGroup:getSecurityGroup"
arguments: {
name: "default"
resources: {
"\(resourceName)-mc-cluster": {
type: "sks:SKSCluster"
properties: {
zone: sksZone
name: "\(resourceName)-mc-cluster"
exoscaleCcm: true
metricsServer: true
version: sksVersion
cni: sksCNI
if sksCNI == "calico" {
"\(resourceName)-calico-vxlan-security-group-rule": {
type: "sks:SecurityGroupRule"
properties: {
securityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
description: "Calico (vxlan)"
userSecurityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
type: "INGRESS"
protocol: "UDP"
startPort: 4789
endPort: 4789
"\(resourceName)-minecraft-tcp-security-group-rule": {
type: "sks:SecurityGroupRule"
properties: {
securityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
description: "Minecraft TCP services"
cidr: ""
type: "INGRESS"
protocol: "TCP"
startPort: 25565
endPort: 25565
"\(resourceName)-minecraft-chart": {
type: ""
properties: {
name: "minecraft"
namespace: "${\(resourceName)-minecraft-namespace}"
chart: "minecraft"
version: mcChartVersion
repo: ""
values: {
resources: {
requests: {
memory: "128Mi"
cpu: "100m"
minecraftServer: {
eula: true
version: minecraftServerProperties.version
type: minecraftServerProperties.type
motd: minecraftServerProperties.motd
serviceType: "LoadBalancer"
provider: "${\(resourceName)-mc-k8s-provider}"
outputs: {
"\(resourceName)-kubeconfig": {
"fn::secret": "${\(resourceName)-mc-sks-kubeconfig.kubeconfig}"
This is a lot of code, so let's break it down. Please note that this is not a complete CUE
schema, we can check the full schema in the corresponding GitHub repository.
Similar to the MinecraftServerProperties
definition, we define again different fields with default values. But this time I do also some more advanced things. First, I define a variable called resourceName
which is a string with a max length of 10 characters and only allows lowercase letters, numbers and dashes.
resourceName: strings.MaxRunes(10) & =~"^[a-z0-9-]+$"
Another advanced feature is the validation of the sksNodePoolSize
field. We can use the &
operator to combine multiple validations. In this case, we validate that the value is an integer, greater or equal to 1 and less or equal to 10.
sksNodePoolSize: int & >=1 & <=10
If we ran cue vet
with a wrong value for the sksNodePoolSize
field, we would get the following error:
❯ cue vet .
servers.0.resources."server-1-mc-nodepool".properties.size: invalid value 300 (out of bound <=10):
servers.0.sksNodePoolSize: invalid value 300 (out of bound <=10):
Same for the name
field, entered a wrong value would result in the following error:
cue vet .
servers.0.resourceName: invalid value "Server-1" (out of bound =~"^[a-z0-9-]+$"):
Another interesting feature is the if
statement. We can use it to define different resources depending on the value of, in this case, the sksCNI
field. If the value is calico
, we define a different security group rule as if set the value to calico
if sksCNI == "cilium" {
"\(resourceName)-cilium-vxlan-security-group-rule": {
type: "sks:SecurityGroupRule"
properties: {
securityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
description: "Cilium (vxlan)"
userSecurityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
type: "INGRESS"
protocol: "UDP"
startPort: 8472
endPort: 8472
"\(resourceName)-cilium-healthcheck-tcp-security-group-rule": {
type: "sks:SecurityGroupRule"
properties: {
securityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
description: "Cilium (healthcheck)"
userSecurityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
type: "INGRESS"
protocol: "TCP"
startPort: 4240
endPort: 4240
if sksCNI == "calico" {
"\(resourceName)-calico-vxlan-security-group-rule": {
type: "sks:SecurityGroupRule"
properties: {
securityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
description: "Calico (vxlan)"
userSecurityGroupId: "${\(resourceName)}"
type: "INGRESS"
protocol: "UDP"
startPort: 4789
endPort: 4789
Now let's take a look into some Pulumi
YAML specific things. The Pulumi
YAML specification follow a simple schema, including four top level sections: resources
, config
, variables
and outputs
The resources
section is the most important one. It defines the resources that should be created. The minimum required fields are type
and properties
Here is an example of a resource definition:
type: aws:s3:Bucket
indexDocument: index.html
So in our case, as we want to maybe create more the one cluster, we need to be able to set a unique name for each Pulumi
"\(resourceName)-mc-sks-cluster": {
type: "sks:Cluster"
properties: {
name: resourceName
description: "Minecraft Server"
version: sksVersion
So to create the unique name, the interpolation syntax of CUE
. "\(resourceName)-mc-sks-cluster"
is the same as "server-1-mc-sks-cluster"
if the resourceName
is set to server-1
In the whole schema definition we will find a lot of "\(resourceName)-..."
Now we can head over to create our main CUE
file. In this file we import the sks.cue
file and define the servers
package main
import ""
servers: [ sks.#ExoscaleMinecraft & {
resourceName: "server-1"
sksZone: "de-fra-1"
sksCNI: "cilium"
sksNodePoolSize: 3
minecraftServerProperties: {
type: "paper"
sks.#ExoscaleMinecraft & {
resourceName: "server-2"
sksZone: "de-fra-1"
sksCNI: "calico"
sksNodePoolSize: 3
minecraftServerProperties: {
type: "paper"
for i, server in servers {
variables: {
resources: {
outputs: {
In this file we define two servers. The first one is using Cilium as CNI and the second one is using Calico. Then we iterate over the servers and add the variables, resources and outputs to the main file.
Now we can run cue vet
to validate the schema and pulumi up
to deploy the stack.
cue vet .
Should not return any errors.
Export the Exoscale
API key and secret as environment variables and run pulumi preview
to see preview of all the resources that will be created.
pulumi preview
You should see something like this, if you decided to create two servers:
pulumi preview
Previewing update (dev)
View Live:
Type Name Plan
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-exoscale-dev create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:AntiAffinityGroup server-1-mc-sks-anti-affinity-group create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroup server-1-mc-sks-security-group create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSCluster server-1-mc-cluster create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-cilium-healthcheck-icmp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-minecraft-tcp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-nodeport-tcp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-nodeport-udp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-kubelet-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSNodepool server-1-mc-nodepool create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSKubeconfig server-1-mc-sks-kubeconfig create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSCluster server-2-mc-cluster create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:AntiAffinityGroup server-2-mc-sks-anti-affinity-group create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroup server-2-mc-sks-security-group create
+ ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes server-1-mc-k8s-provider create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-kubelet-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-nodeport-tcp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-nodeport-udp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-cilium-healthcheck-icmp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-minecraft-tcp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSNodepool server-2-mc-nodepool create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SKSKubeconfig server-2-mc-sks-kubeconfig create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-cilium-vxlan-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-1-cilium-healthcheck-tcp-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace server-1-minecraft-namespace create
+ ├─ exoscale:index:SecurityGroupRule server-2-calico-vxlan-security-group-rule create
+ ├─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes server-2-mc-k8s-provider create
+ ├─ server-1-minecraft-chart create
+ ├─ kubernetes:core/v1:Namespace server-2-minecraft-namespace create
+ └─ server-2-minecraft-chart create
server-1-kubeconfig: [secret]
server-2-kubeconfig: [secret]
+ 30 to create
If everything looks good, run pulumi up
to deploy the stack, the flags -f
and -y
can be used to YOLO the deployment without any confirmation and preview.
pulumi up -f -y
This could take a while, depending on the size of the node pools. Go grab a coffee or a beer, I'll wait!
Before we check if the Minecraft
servers are up and running, let us check with the Exoscale
CLI if the SKS cluster are up and running.
exo compute sks list
│ ID │ NAME │ ZONE │
│ 92de22f7-be0c-4324-aaba-ff35b072882a │ server-2-mc-cluster │ de-fra-1 │
│ f4331a42-7afc-4578-a897-98dc8b8c0669 │ server-1-mc-cluster │ de-fra-1 │
And let us look into the UI too, just to be sure:
Now let us check that the Minecraft
servers are working correctly! We can run pulumi stack output
to get the kubeconfig for each server.
pulumi stack output server-1-kubeconfig --show-secrets > exoscale-1.yaml
pulumi stack output server-2-kubeconfig --show-secrets > exoscale-2.yaml
Then we can use kubectl
to check that the Minecraft
server is running.
kubectl --kubeconfig exoscale-1.yaml get pods -n minecraft
And we should see something like this:
minecraft-minecraft-b5d7587dc-s6tfx 1/1 Running 0 3m42s
Or be lazy and use k9s
to check the status of the pods.
k9s --kubeconfig exoscale-1.yaml
Play Minecraft
Of course, we can't play Minecraft
without a client. You can download the client from the official website and connect to the server using the IP address of the load balancer.
kubectl --kubeconfig exoscale-1.yaml get svc -n minecraft
You should see something like this:
minecraft-minecraft LoadBalancer 25565:30497/TCP 4m17s
Now we can connect to the Minecraft
server using the IP address of the load balancer.
Clean up
As always, don't forget to clean up after yourself. You can run pulumi destroy
to delete the stack.
pulumi destroy -f -y
Wrapping up
In this tutorial, we have seen how to deploy a Minecraft
server on Exoscale
using Pulumi
. We have also seen how to use CUE
to generate the Pulumi
Additional resources
Feel free to browse the additional resources below to learn more about all the technologies and tools I used in this tutorial.
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Written by

Engin Diri
Engin Diri
Cloud Native Pilgrim | Kubernetes Enthusiast | Serverless Believer | Customer Experience Architect @ Pulumi | (he/him) | CK{A,AD} |