Terraform Challenge-3

Kunal SinghKunal Singh
2 min read

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Architecture Diagram


In this challenge, we will implement a simple EC2 instance with some preinstalled packages.

The requirements in detail:

  • Create a terraform key-pair citadel-key with key_name citadel.

  • Upload the public key ec2-connect-key.pub to the resource. You may use the file function to read the public key at /root/terraform-challenges/project-citadel/.ssh

  • AMI: ami-06178cf087598769c, use variable named ami

  • Region: eu-west-2, use variable named region

  • Instance Type: m5.large, use variable named instance_type

  • Elastic IP address attached to the EC2 instance

  • Create a local-exec provisioner for the eip resource and use it to print the attribute called public_dns to a file /root/citadel_public_dns.txt on the iac-server

  • Install Nginx on the citadel instance, and make use of the user_data argument.
    Using the file function or by making use of the heredoc syntax, use the script called install-nginx.sh as the value for the user_data argument.


1. Declare variables


variable "ami" {
  type    = string
  default = "ami-06178cf087598769c"

variable "region" {
  type    = string
  default = "eu-west-2"

variable "instance_type" {
  type    = string
  default = "m5.large"

Let's initialize the provider now.

terraform init

2. Create a terraform resources

Resource NameProvider Documentation

Go to the Terraform Registry. The AWS provider is on the front page.

The core documentation for the file function.

The core documentation for local-exec provisioner


#A terraform key-pair citadel-key with key_name citadel
resource "aws_key_pair" "citadel-key" {
  key_name   = "citadel"
  public_key = file("/root/terraform-challenges/project-citadel/.ssh/ec2-connect-key.pub")
#This step covers both the citadel and Nginx-script tasks.
resource "aws_instance" "citadel" {
  ami           = var.ami
  instance_type = var.instance_type
  key_name      = aws_key_pair.citadel-key.key_name
  user_data     = file("/root/terraform-challenges/project-citadel/install-nginx.sh")
#A local-exec provisioner for the eip resource
resource "aws_eip" "eip" {
  vpc      = true
  instance = aws_instance.citadel.id
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "echo ${self.public_dns} >> /root/citadel_public_dns.txt"

3. Deploy

terraform plan
terraform apply

Thank you so much for taking your valuable time to read

I took the initiative to learn in public and share my work with others. I tried my level best in squeezing as much information as possible in the easiest manner.

Hope you learned something new today :)

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Written by

Kunal Singh
Kunal Singh

I am an Engineering undergrad student who is passionate about technology and its impact on the world. I am currently learning and writing about DevOps, a field that combines software development and IT operations to deliver software quickly and efficiently. My technical skills are backed by a strong understanding of software development, IT operations, and automation. Apart from technology, I have a creative side as well. I enjoy producing music and experimenting with different sounds and beats. I am also a huge fan of basketball, F1 racing, and MMA, and I often spend my free time watching and analyzing games, races, and techniques. Additionally, I enjoy writing blogs as a way to express my thoughts and share my knowledge with others. Overall, I am a well-rounded individual who is constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow.