More About Emmet.

As I said earlier I'll be telling you more about emmet so here it is.
- If we want to give any dummy text under any tag we use p>lorem. (which means we need a dummy text inside a paragraph).
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut, sit iure? Qui cum, quidem facilis rerum deserunt, ullam dicta, fugiat libero suscipit iste beatae quasi similique dolorum vitae nulla nemo.</p>
-if we need to write any tag 4 to 5 times or more we can use multiplication for eg:div*5().
-if we need tags under tags of different functions we can use > sign. It means different tag will be stored under each other.
input: div>p>p>li*5
input: div>class.1>p>class.2>p#un1>li*5
<class class="1">
<class class="2">
<p id="un1">
- These types of examples are also known as the parent-child grouping.
-If you want a bold effect in your text then you can use <b></b> tag. You can also use <strong><\strong> which is helpful for screenreaders.
input: b and hit tab key.
-If you want to use the italic style in your text you can use <i><\i> tag.
input: i and tab key.
-if you want to underline the word use <u><\u> tag.
input: u and enter tab key.
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