Writing your first Assembly Program

Hello, readers! ๐
I am Ayush Bulbule, and I am excited to start a new blog series that will serve as a tutorial for learning Assembly Language. I know some of you might think that Assembly Language is complex and hard to understand, but don't worry, I am here to guide you through the process. It may require patience, but just think about it - you are going to learn a language that is closer to the computer's brain! Isn't that amazing?
So, let's get started with a positive approach and try to grasp the concepts together. We'll work through it step-by-step, and soon you'll realize that Assembly Language is not as complicated as it seems.
Before stating we will see just 3 reasons to learn assembly:
Low-level programming
A better understanding of computer architecture
Reverse engineering and security analysis
Understanding the Structure of the Assembly Program
Data section:
This section is used to declare or initialize data or constants.
Syntax:section .data
Bss Section:
This section is used to declare variables.section .bss
Text Section:
This section is where the actual code is present.
section .text
An Assembly language program always starts with global _start
which tells the kernel from where to start the execution of the program.
First Assembly Program which prints text on the screen.
;simple program to print hello ayush code
global _start
section .data
msg db "Hello! AyushCodes",0xA
msglen equ $ -msg
section .text
mov rax, 01
mov rdx, 01
mov rsi, msg
mov rdx, msglen
mov rax, 60
mov rdx, 60
Now save program as hello.asm
Tu run your program in terminal you have to run:
nasm -f elf64 hello.asm
ld -o h hello.o
The fist will assemble your program.
Next command will link object file.
Third command will execute that file.
Now we will understand the program line by line:
global _start
This line declares the label _start
as a global symbol, which is required for the linker to find it when it creates the executable file.
section .data
msg db "Hello! AyushCodes",0xA
msglen equ $ -msg
These lines declare a section of the program's memory called ".data" and define two variables inside it. The first variable, "msg", is a string that contains the message to be printed, followed by a newline character (0xA). The second variable, "msglen", is defined as the difference between the current position of the assembly counter ($) and the starting position of the "msg" variable. This effectively calculates the length of the string.
section .text
mov rax, 01
mov rdx, 01
mov rsi, msg
mov rdx, msglen
These lines declare a section of the program's memory called ".text" and define the entry point of the program as the "_start" label. The program then moves the value 1 into the "rax" register, which is the syscall number for "write". It then moves the value 1 into the "rdx" register, which is the length of the message to be printed. The address of the "msg" variable is then moved into the "rsi" register, which is the pointer to the message buffer. Finally, the program invokes the "syscall" instruction, which will perform the write operation and print the message to the console.
mov rax, 60
mov rdx, 60
These lines define a label called "EXIT" and use the "syscall" instruction to terminate the program. The value 60 is moved into the "rax" register, which is the syscall number for "exit". The value 60 is also moved into the "rdx" register, which is the exit status code. The program then invokes the "syscall" instruction, which will terminate the program with the specified exit status.
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Written by

Ayush Bulbule
Ayush Bulbule
Hello! I'm an aspiring software engineer with a strong foundation in computer engineering. Passionate about developing scalable, efficient solutions and enhancing application functionality. Experienced in full-stack development, cloud computing, and security. Always eager to learn and contribute to innovative tech projects. Let's connect and collaborate!