An introductory message...

Hi, I'm Jessica Obot from Nigeria. A front-end web developer in progress, a student on and self-taught on and YouTube. I transitioned into tech last year October on using my phone because I don't own a laptop till now. But I'd say it's an interesting experience.
I feel like I'm slacking not because I don't have the resources to keep learning but because I find it difficult to build projects. Anytime I start and there's a bug, it just discourages me and I don't have a learning partner. It's an irony because as a developer debugging should be a normal thing but I struggle at this, probably because I am learning "alone". Sometimes to go into a different path in tech comes to mind but I'd only be deceiving myself, I think.
I know I'm not the only one out there. There are people who are just like me or worse and I just want to encourage all of us out there. It's okay to change a career path if you feel the need to, if you think what you're currently on isn't working out for you at all. Sometimes change is necessary. But sometimes it is not. Maybe you just need to be open-minded about what you're learning and focus more on it and you'll see yourself progressing in it. The road to success is never easy but with determination we'll all win in the end.
Outside tech, I'm a scriptwriter and I naturally felt that going into technical writing, while still learning front-end, will be a good idea. But I'm starting to doubt that now. I talked myself into it but I haven't fully talked myself out of it. I know it's a risky combination because my attention and focus will be divided and that's not a good thing in tech. Basically if you're learning a particular course, be done with it. Fully grasp the whole idea of it and what it entails. Build projects to be seen more before going into another path (I need to tell myself this more often 🥲)
I hope there's sense in everything I've typed here and I don't bore my readers.
P.S I'm still struggling to build projects. Anyone that can assist me should please reach out, I'd greatly appreciate. Thank you
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Written by

Jessica Obot
Jessica Obot
I'm a technical writer and front-end web developer who has a passion for creating engaging online experiences. As a front-end web developer, my area of expertise is creating responsive, aesthetically pleasing websites that work on many devices with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I have technical writing abilities in addition to my expertise in web building. My ability to translate complex technical topics into comprehensible and easily understood text is rather good. I wish to provide readers with key informations and easy step-by-step tutorials to enable them accomplish their coding objectives through my writings.