Go: Error Handling

Elucian MoiseElucian Moise
7 min read

In Go, error handling is an essential part of writing robust and stable applications. In fact, in Go, errors are considered values that a function may return when it encounters some unexpected condition or situation. Handling errors in Go follows a somewhat different approach compared to other programming languages, which may use exceptions, return codes, or other constructs.

Go does not have traditional exceptions like other languages; it uses panic and recovery to handle errors. When a panic occurs, Go unwinds the stack and tries to recover by calling deferred functions until it reaches the top-level of the goroutine or the call stack. During this process, a panic can trigger a chain reaction of deferred functions, logging, cleanup, and other related error-handling activities.


Here are some key concepts to keep in mind when handling errors in Go:

  • Errors as values: In Go, errors are considered values that can be passed around like any other value. When a function encounters an error, it returns an error object (usually of the error type), which the caller can then check and handle accordingly.

  • Multiple returns: Go functions have the ability to return multiple values, which is often used to return an error alongside a normal return value. This allows the caller to check for an error and handle it without interrupting the program flow.

  • Defer and recover: Go provides a mechanism called defer, which allows you to defer the execution of a function until the surrounding function completes. This is often used to ensure that resources are properly cleaned up when an error occurs. Additionally, the recover() function allows you to handle error conditions in a unique way by catching panics that occur during runtime.

  • Error checking: To handle errors in Go, you need to check them in your code explicitly. This means inspecting the error object returned by a function and deciding what to do next based on its value.

Use Defer

Here's an example of how error handling may look in Go:

file, err := os.Open("example.txt")
if err != nil {
    // Handle error
defer file.Close()
// ... continue with file operations ...

In this example, the Open() function returns an *os.File object and an error object. If the error object is not nil, it means that an error has occurred, and we need to handle it appropriately (in this case, by logging it and exiting the program). Otherwise, we continue with the file operations, which we defer closing using the defer statement.

Overall, Go's approach to error handling encourages developers to handle errors explicitly and transparently, leading to more stable and predictable software.


In Go, panic is a built-in function that is used to signal a program-level error condition. The panic function causes the program to immediately stop execution of the current function and start unwinding the function call stack, which means that deferred function calls are executed, and control is transferred to the caller function. If there is no caller function or the caller cannot recover, the program terminates with a panic message.

Here's an example of using panic:

func divide(a, b float64) float64 {
  if b == 0 {
    panic("division by zero")
  return a / b

Here, the divide function returns the result of dividing a by b. Before doing the division, however, it checks to see if b is zero. If b is zero, the function panics with the message "division by zero". This statement would cause the program to halt execution and print an error message to the console.

The panic statement is generally used for unrecoverable errors or exceptional circumstances, where it makes more sense to terminate the program altogether rather than to try and recover from the error. The built-in recover() function can be used to catch and handle panics in Go, allowing deferred functions to be executed, and program flow to be restored without terminating the program completely.

However, it's important to use panic statements sparingly and only in exceptional cases. In general, Go's error-handling construct should be used to handle recoverable errors and exceptional cases.


In Go, we can handle and recover from panics using the recover() built-in function. recover() can only be called in a deferred function, and it returns the value passed to the corresponding call to panic() if any.

Here's an example of using recover() in Go:

func main() {
  defer func() {
    if r := recover(); r != nil {
      fmt.Println("Recovered from:", r)

  // some code that might panic

In this example, we use a deferred function to capture and handle any panics that occur within the main function, i.e., after the defer statement. If a panic is triggered, the deferred function is executed, and the call to recover() returns the value that was passed to the call to panic().

The recover() function can only recover from panics within the same goroutine. Panicking in one goroutine and recovering in another is not supported. recover() can be used multiple times in a function, but only the first call to it that comes after a corresponding panic() will return a non-nil value.

It's important to remember that recover() does not prevent a panic from happening; rather, it simply allows you to handle the panic and resume the normal execution of the program. Therefore, panics should still be used only in exceptional cases, and recovery should be used sparingly, and only as a last resort, when the program cannot continue otherwise.

Custom exception

Sometimes we need a custom type to represent errors or exceptional scenarios that deserve special handling or logging, even if they're not runtime exceptions. We can create a new struct type that implements the error interface to represent such custom errors.

Here's an example of defining and raising a custom exception in Go:

package main

import (

// Define custom error type
type CustomError struct {
    Code    int
    Message string

func (e CustomError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("CustomError{%d}: %s", e.Code, e.Message)

// Function that returns custom error
func doSomething() error {
    // some condition that warrants a custom error
    return CustomError{Code: 100, Message: "something went wrong"}

// Main function that calls doSomething and catches the custom error
func main() {
    err := doSomething()
    if err != nil {
        if customErr, ok := err.(CustomError); ok {
            fmt.Println("Custom error detected:", customErr)
        } else {
            fmt.Println("Other error detected:", err)

In this code, we define a new struct CustomError that has two attributes: Code and Message. We also define a method Error() on this struct that implements the error interface by returning a string description of the error.

Next, we define a function doSomething() that generates and returns an instance of CustomError if some condition is true. Finally, we define a main() function that calls doSomething() and catches any error returned by it. If the error is of type CustomError, we handle it differently (in this case, just print it to the console). Otherwise, we handle it as a regular error and print it to the console as well.

In conclusion, while Go doesn't have traditional exceptions, we can use custom types implementing the error interface to represent and handle our own exceptions or error scenarios.

Exit code

An exit code is a value returned by a program when it finishes executing. It's a way for the program to communicate its state or success/failure to other programs or the operating system. In most operating systems, an exit code of 0 indicates success, and non-zero values indicate various types of errors or issues.

In Go, we can produce an exit code using the os package. Specifically, we can use the os.Exit() function to set the exit code and terminate the program immediately.

Here's an example of using the os.Exit() function to set an exit code:

package main

import "os"

func main() {
  // some code that does something

  // Set exit code to 1 (indicating an error)

In this example, we first execute some code that does something (not shown). Then, we call os.Exit(1) to set the exit code to 1, indicating an error. The os.Exit() function terminates the program immediately, so no further code will be executed after this call.

It's important to note that os.Exit() should be used only in exceptional cases where the program cannot continue otherwise (e.g., something critical has failed). In most cases, you should use regular error handling mechanisms (like returning error values) to indicate and handle errors. Also, keep in mind that terminating the program abruptly with os.Exit() can lead to unexpected results or behavior, especially if there are other goroutines or resources that need to be cleaned up properly.


Go's error handling, based on the use of a built-in error type and explicit error checking, can make code more concise and readable. It is also well suited for concurrent programing, thanks to goroutines and channels. However, Go's error handling can be repetitive and requires manual handling at every step, and can be difficult to use with larger and more complex programs.

Disclaim: This article was created with ChatGPT. If you find errors please comment below. I'm not an expert myself and I learn programming. My effort to put this together was nothing.

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Elucian Moise
Elucian Moise

Software engineer instructor, software developer and community leader. Computer enthusiast and experienced programmer. Born in Romania, living in US.