Is Python certificate sufficient to get a job?

5 min read

Python is one of the most effective programming languages commonly used by programmers around the world. Accordingly, with its popularity and effectiveness for business organisations, aspirants eagerly undertake courses to learn Python. While having practical knowledge on Python can be highly rewarding, it is not enough for you to secure a job. Hence, you need to learn additional skills along with learning Python. So, what is Python and what are the additional skills that you can learn from the best Python Certification course? Read the blog to find out.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language that is highly object-oriented and has multipurpose functions. The syntax of Python and its dynamic typic features makes it an excellent language for scripting. It supports various programming paradigms that includes object-oriented procedural and functional styles. Python is effectively useful for automation of tasks which makes it one of the most user-friendly tools.

Use of Python

The use of Python is important in a variety of applications for instance, web development, application development, scriptwriting, testing, etc. Programmers prefer using Python as the high level programming language because of its simplicity, short codes, automation, readability and automatic memory management. This helps in creating high demand within business organisations for talented Python programmers. If you want to pursue a job where you get to work as a programmer, you need to take up Python for Data Science course by Pickl.AI. Eventually, you will end up having a high-paid job in a promising organisation.

Career in Python

There are various job roles and professions where Python plays an important role like Data Science, Data Analysis, Web Development, Machine Learning and other job roles. If you want to become a pro in Python and secure a job role that is highly promising and exciting, you need to take up Python online course with certification. Following is a list of different job roles where your skill development in Python will become useful.

Python Developer

Python developers collaborate with server-side developers for writing logic or developing to maintain the platform. These group of professionals ae in-charge of designing the backend components, linking third-party web services with program and providing assistance to the developers. Python Developers are specialists who are well-versed in the object-relational mapping, server-side reasoning and python programming. With the help of a Python online course with certification you will be able to become an expert in the programming language delivering these functions.

Python Web Developer

The job role requires a Python Web Developer to be in charge of the backend as well as the frontend development of websites of a company. They are responsible for keeping the website up to date and ensure that a collaborative setting persists within the website. Essentially, the primary focus of the developers is to ensure the development of the server side to ensure that excellent performance is enabled. furthermore, it also requires to ensure that retrieving requests from the front end are conducted effectively. Moreover, you also need to integrate completely the pieces of the frontend into the application.

Machine Learning Engineer

The job roles relevant to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have been growing and expanding exponentially in the past years. Python programming language plays an important role within the job role of a Machine Learning Engineer. Accordingly, if you have proper and adequate knowledge on Python, you will have better chances of getting recruited within a company. As a Machine Learning Engineer, you require ti develop and train machines, computers and programs and apply your learning to forecast different issues.

Product Managers

One of the most effective job roles you will find is that of a product manager where you have to seek out new features and identify gaps in the market that can be fulfilled by the company you work for. Effective Data Management is the key to the job role and companies look for experts who are fluent in using Python for data management. As a product manager, you need to interact with users to extract significant data from multiple sources.

Data Analyst

Business organisations make informed decisions because of the care analysis conducted by Data Analyst using the organisational data available at large volumes. Accordingly, the job role of a Data Analyst is typical for persons working with excel. The experts need to be fluent in Python and use Python libraries effectively. The job role of a Data Analyst is highly in demand in the market with thousands of opportunities in the sector of finance, healthcare, automobiles and retail.

Additional Skills you need to know with Python

While Python programming can be quite an lucrative tool to learn that can help you secure various job roles in the market, you also require to develop skills that are important. Additional skills along with Python will help you expand your capabilities. These skills are as follows:

· Problem Solving Skills

· Web Development using HTML, Java Script, etc

· Basic SQL skills

· Full Stack software development

· Software Development process where you know building of full-scale projects


Thus, the above blog has been able to provide you with a clear direction that Python certification course can help you secure a job in the market, although you should have additional skills. Whether the skills are technical or soft skills, these are important to acquire the job roles that the blog has mentioned above. Essentially, you can pursue you Python certification course online from Pickl.AI which offers you foundation to advance level concepts with hands-on experiences.

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PicklAI is the educational vertical of TransOrg Analytics, an industry leader in solving problems for businesses by leveraging the power of data. The brand was conceptualized in order to bridge the gap between theoretical and applied data science, wherein courses in the market today have been found to concentrate more on the former aspect.