PGDAC | Software Development Methodologies | GitHub Profile

Why make a GitHub Profile:

Every coder should create a GitHub profile for two reasons:

  • To showcase their work and,

  • To connect with other developers.

GitHub's collaborative features allow programmers to write code and develop projects for repositories that don't belong to them. However, GitHub saves all code written by the developer in their personal GitHub profile. A good GitHub profile acts as a virtual resume, displaying the practical abilities of each programmer.

GitHub profiles make it easy for coders to showcase their work to potential employers. Over 3 million companies worldwide use GitHub, giving them viewing access to public profiles on the website.

When starting a new career, software developers can point potential employers to their GitHub profiles to demonstrate their coding abilities.

Creating a GitHub profile also allows you to interact with other programmers and public repositories on the site. Programmers can reach out through GitHub and find creative solutions to coding problems for their projects and offer advice to other software developers. You may be able to gain experience with new tools or hear about open positions through your GitHub connections.

I hope I have made my case as to why you must have a GitHub profile, the question now is how do you make it?

Basic GitHub Profiles vs Cool GitHub Profiles:

Have you ever made a Facebook account, or maybe an Instagram account, the process is very similar. You signup, Set your UserID and Password, fill in some details and you are good to go.

A very basic GitHub profile would look something like this:

Pretty basic if you ask me...

And then some profiles look like these...

That's my friend Pratik Daigavane by the way. He is doing amazing and I highly recommend you follow his work.

This is way cooler and demonstrates how seriously you take GitHub. This can catch a prospective recruiter's attention. This can help you land a job..! so if you're convinced and would like a profile just like this, follow the steps below to change your GitHub.

Setting up your GitHub Profile:

  • Creating your special repository:

GitHub released a special feature for the developers to create a special repository that the developers can use to create some cool and attention-grabbing profiles.

  • Go to Create a new repository option,

  • Set the name of your repository as your username. You should be able to see a message from GitHub as shown below,

  • Ensure to check the "Add a README file before clicking on the "Create Repository".

  • Now you will be able to see a file which is displayed at the top of your profile.

  • Adding the secret sauce:

  • To add all the extra stuff to your file, you'll have to open up Google and look for "GitHub README Generator" or simply you can follow this link here,

  • The page would look something like this:

This is a Project from Rahul Jain where you can input your details and generate a Markdown for your GitHub Profile.

  • Fill in your details and then click on Generate READEME

  • Then click on copy-markdown

  • Now we will go back to our Special GitHub Repo, Open the file and paste this markdown there.

  • Commit these changes and behold...! You'll have a stunning GitHub profile.

Note: Only having a kickass GitHub profile will not help you land a job, for that, you'll have to constantly work on your skills and make sure you are , at the very least, contributing to your respositories on a regualr basis.

Try it out for yourself. Comment down your GitHub usernames so that we all can visit, see and follow you on the platform.

I would like to make a special mention of Rahul Jain for publically sharing this tool.

Also, Pratik Daigavane for being cool and calm to help me figure it out.

As always Thank you so much for reading.

Happy Learning!

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Written by

Abdul Ahad Sheikh
Abdul Ahad Sheikh

Learning Fullstack Development using Java and .Net Aspiring Public Speaker Cofounder @BookBrotherhood Part-time Musician🎶 and Writer✒️ Live😊 | Love❤️ | Laugh😁