Write a Program to Filter image(Crop) after Detections of the image color

Pathak MohitPathak Mohit
2 min read

# this loops to exit use "ESC"buttons

""please change only image and color CSV file link I send in Comment otherwise you can send mail I send to complete file in mail""

from platform import node

from unicodedata import name

import cv2

import pandas as pd

import numpy as nd

from PIL import ImageFilter

from soupsieve import select

img_path = r'Test2.jpg'

img =cv2.imread(img_path)




cut_image = img[300:440,197:1050]

clicked = False

r = g = b = x_pos = y_pos = 0

index = ["colors", "color_name", "hex","R", "G" , "B"]

csv = pd.read_csv('colors.csv',names=index , header = None)

def get_clor_name(R, G, B):

minimum = 10000

for i in range(len(csv)):

d = abs(R - int(csv.loc[i, "R"])) + abs(G - int(csv.loc[i, "G"])) + abs(B - int(csv.loc[i, "B"]))

if d <= minimum:

minimum = d

cname = csv.loc[i, "color_name"]

return cname

def draw_function(cut, x, y, flags, param):


global r,g,b,x_pos,y_pos,clicked

clicked = True

x_pos = x

y_pos = y

b, g, r = img[y, x]

b = int(b)

g = int(g)

r = int(r)


cv2.setMouseCallback('image', draw_function)


while True:

cv2.imshow("image", cut_image)

if clicked:

cv2.rectangle(cut_image, (20, 20), (750, 60), (b, g, r), -1)

text = get_clor_name(r, g, b) + ' R=' + str(r) + ' G=' + str(g) + ' B=' + str(b)

cv2.putText(cut_image, text, (50, 50), 2, 0.8, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

if r + g + b >= 600:

cv2.putText(cut_image, text, (50, 50), 2, 0.8, (0, 0, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

clicked = False

if cv2.waitKey(20) & 0xFF == 27:



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Written by

Pathak Mohit
Pathak Mohit