C# Print Literals

Samuel KamauSamuel Kamau
3 min read

C # Print Literal Values

Literal values are constant values that never change.

They include the following:

String literals

  • String literals are used to print alphanumeric words, phrases, or data for presentation.

A string literal is created by enclosing a string in double quotation marks.

For Example:


String literals cannot however be used for calculations.

Character Literals

  • Character literal, denoted as char which is the short form of character is used to print single alphanumeric characters and is created by enclosing a character in single quotation marks.
    For Example:
  • Note that if you use single quotation marks and input more than a single character, as, in the example below, you will encounter an error because the compiler expects a single character when single quotation marks are used.

    For Example:

 (2,15): error CS1012: Too many characters in character literal
  • Character literals cannot be used for calculations.

Integer Literals

  • Integer literals are used to display numeric whole numbers.* They can however not be used to display fractions.* Integer literals are denoted as int when used in coding.* They require no other operator as is the case for string and character literals.

For Example:


Floating literals

  • A float-point number is a number that contains decimals e.g. 1.5023.* They are of three types with different levels of precision, namely.

Float Type



~6-9 digits


~15-17 digits 


28-29 digits

  • Precision indicates the number of digits on the right-hand side of the decimal point.

Now let us get to know each of the floating literals mentioned above.


  • To create a float literal, you need to append a letter F after the number.

  • The letter F is called a literal suffix which tells the compiler to treat the value given as a float.

  • The letter F can either be in uppercase or lowercase.* Given float has the least precision, it is best to use it when dealing with fixed fractions.

For Example:



This is the compiler's default when any decimal value is used, thus, to print a decimal, enter the decimal number without a literal suffix*.*

For Example:



  • Just like a float, the compiler needs a literal suffix m to treat a value as a decimal.

Double has the highest precision and is thus good for fractions with a higher number of digits after the decimal point.

For Example:


Boolean Literals.

  • If you want to print a value that represents either true or false, then the bool literal is the correct literal to use.* The term bool is the short form of Boolean.

Example in code:



  • You will notice that when the term true or false is used without double quotation marks, as is the case when working with string literals*, there is no error encountered, this is because the two words are reserved to be used as* Boolean literals and the compiler understands that.


Here is a summary of what you need to know about C# print literals.

  • string for words, phrases, or any alphanumeric data for presentation, not calculation.

  • char for a single alphanumeric character.

  • int for a whole number.

  • decimal for a number with a fractional component.

  • bool for a true/false value.

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Written by

Samuel Kamau
Samuel Kamau