Linux Odyssey: Unraveling the Secrets of Free and Open-Source Software

Linux, often perceived as just an operating system, reveals a peculiar perspective when explored on the internet. It becomes apparent that people are divided into various groups, each passionately advocating for different aspects of Linux. Terms like FOSS (Free and Open Source), Freedom, Privacy, Hacking, GNU, GNU/Linux, or Gnu+Linux inundate your online searches related to Linux. But how do all these elements fit together and make sense as a whole? Let's delve into the article to gain insights. Many find it strange, and even weirder, to uncover the history of Linux. Surprisingly, few individuals are aware that Linux alone is merely a kernel and not a complete operating system. So, what brings about its completeness? The answer lies in GNU (Gnu's not Unix). When GNU and Linux merge, they form the fully-fledged operating system we use today. Both GNU and Linux were created by different individuals from diverse corners of the world. Their convergence has become the epitome and driving force behind the existence of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) in present times.
Making of GNU
Our story commences with a young prodigy endowed with exceptional mathematical aptitude. Richard Stallman, born on March 6, 1953, in New York, exhibited a remarkable understanding of math from an early age. With his mother working as a typesetter and his father serving in World War II, Richard's upbringing was influenced by his family's background.
During his formative years, Richard's fascination with computers took hold, leading him to memorize the entire manual of the IBM 7094 computer by the tender age of 12. His passion for computing only intensified as he grew older. At a mere 17 years old, Richard's talents earned him acceptance into the renowned Math 55 program at Harvard, widely regarded as one of the most challenging math programs globally. Concurrently, he became captivated by the AI lab at MIT's CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab), which served as the birthplace of the first hackers. It was at this AI lab that computer systems were affectionately known as RMS.
Driven by his enthusiasm for programming and the emerging hacker culture, Richard made the bold decision to drop out of college and join MIT as an undergraduate student. His primary intention was to immerse himself in the world of programming at CSAIL, where he would encounter a group of like-minded individuals. Little did he know that these friendships would lay the foundation for what would eventually become the founding ethos of hacking culture, with Richard Stallman himself at the helm.
Within this laboratory, a significant transformation was taking place as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) initiated the implementation of passwords into the computer systems. Richard Stallman, acutely aware of the consequences, believed that this move was eroding the lab's cherished sense of anonymity and community. Initially, the software used in these systems allowed anyone to modify it freely and share those modifications with fellow users.
In response to the encroaching changes, Richard resorted to hacking the system, gaining unauthorized access and retrieving the usernames and passwords of all users. With this information in hand, he composed and sent out individual emails to everyone, disclosing their respective login credentials. However, the consequences of his actions swiftly took an unexpected turn.
Manufacturers began adopting practices to conceal the source code of their software, rendering it inaccessible to others. This deliberate obfuscation infuriated Richard, as it contradicted his core belief in the openness of a system, where individuals could freely modify and share software with one another. The act of withholding source code was viewed by Richard as a hindrance to the collaborative nature he cherished, while also stifling healthy competition among different software developers.
Richard Stallman's frustration grew, fueling his dedication to preserving software freedom and advocating for open-source principles, where transparency and community-driven innovation thrived.
Fast forward to 1984, he quit his job at MIT to start working on his new project, but nobody knows what that is. After one year he published the GNU manifesto where he describe the 4 main principles for free and open-source software(FOSS). They are
Freedom(0) - The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
Freedom(1) - The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
Freedom(2) - The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others.
Freedom(3) - The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
He wants to create a whole system that can run entirely on free and open-source software. He also uses the term
Not Free as in Free BEER
Free as in Free Speech
The point he wanted to make by the quote was that the software is not free of cost but Free as in "the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software" is a matter of liberty, not price, so sometimes they called it as a "Libre Software".
“Free software” means software that respects users' freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” We sometimes call it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis.
You may have paid money to get copies of a free program, or you may have obtained copies at no charge. But regardless of how you got your copies, you always have the freedom to copy and change the software, even to sell copies.
and he called this system GNU (GNU's not UNIX). The naming convention after the popular OS written entirely on C and ASM language was UNIX. Cause UNIX was a proprietary OS at the time and it was very popular among systems from universities to business and to the research. This means it works exactly as someone expects an operating system works but the code was invisible. So he started creating all the parts of the UNIX system. He made a compiler GCC(GNU Compiler Collection), a debugger GDB(DNU Debugger), a text editor GNU Emacs, a build automation and even a license called COPYLEFT(🄯) opposite of copyright ensures that the software remains free. After all that the GNU System missing one most important part, the core component of every OS the Kernel. A kernel is the core part of an operating system that communicates directly to the hardware and give instruction.
How in the world they are going to make an entire free kernel for their system? And they published the project as it is without a kernel. This is where the first part of making Linux and open-source software ends.
Making of LINUX
On December 28, 1969, in Helsinki, Finland, a young boy named Linus Torvalds lived an ordinary life just like any other child in Finland. However, what set him apart was his innate drive to fix things that weren't perfect and share his solutions with the world, much like Richard Stallman. Linus began his programming journey at the age of 11, using his father's Commodore VIC 20 computer, long before he joined the University of Helsinki.
Initially, Linus started programming in the BASIC programming language, but soon he progressed to writing code that provided direct instructions to the CPU. Even during high school, he displayed exceptional talent and dedication. Linus acquired a Sinclair QL computer, which resembled a keyboard, and extensively modified its operating system. Additionally, he developed a text editor, an assembler, and a Pac-Man game clone called Paccool. These creations stemmed from the scarcity of software and games available in Finland at the time.
In 1990, Linus was introduced to UNIX and began studying a Unix-like operating system called MINIX. This experience served as a crucial foundation for his future endeavors. Subsequently, after purchasing his first Intel 386 clone and an IBM PC, Linus embarked on a significant milestone. However, before fully diving into his work on Linux, he had to fulfill his mandatory military service, which took up the first year of his journey.
Finally, in 1991, Linus Torvalds made a notable announcement about the project he had been diligently working on. This announcement was posted on the comp.os.minix newsgroup, marking the birth of Linux. The project's inception marked a significant turning point in the world of operating systems, and Linus Torvalds became known as the creator of the Linux kernel. Here is the original post in the newsgroup made by linus torvald. (
As mentioned earlier, Linus possessed a strong inclination towards creating something of his own if it didn't meet his standards of perfection. When he began exploring the MINIX operating system, he encountered several limitations: the software available was proprietary, restricted his desired functionality, and the licensing terms were unsatisfactory. Fueled by his dissatisfaction, Linus took the initiative to address these shortcomings.
His initial contributions to the project involved writing a task switcher and a terminal driver specifically designed for the Intel processor. Many consider this pivotal moment as the starting point of what would eventually become the Linux project. Linus closely followed the progress of an open-source initiative called GNU and recognized a crucial gap that needed to be filled—a free kernel.
Motivated by this realization, Linus embarked on the journey of developing his own kernel. He drew inspiration from the GNU project and sought to create a free and open-source alternative that would complement the existing GNU software. This pursuit laid the foundation for what would later become the renowned Linux kernel.
On September 17, 1991, Richard Stallman uploaded the initial version of Linux, known as Linux 0.0.1, to a university server. However, this version was not executable on its own and relied on MINIX for compilation. The first official release, Linux 0.0.2, came on October 5, 1991. Although it didn't surpass the previous version in functionality, it was now executable and capable of running basic GNU programs, including bash, gcc, and a terminal. Following the GNU philosophy, Stallman released the source code freely, inviting contributions from like-minded individuals.
Numerous individuals, including developers from the MINIX community, joined the project, resulting in substantial progress. Unlike the GNU kernel, this iteration of Linux proved to be functional. Additionally, various software components from the GNU project found their way into Linux. Recognizing the contributions of the GNU project, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) named it GNU/Linux, acknowledging the collaborative efforts.
Linux gained popularity among students and academia due to its similarity to UNIX, which was widely used in educational institutions. The availability of Linux for free further facilitated its adoption. Over time, Linux also proved beneficial for businesses, given its free nature and the supportive community surrounding it. Its UNIX-like characteristics made transitioning to Linux seamless.
These factors propelled Linux's popularity within the open-source community. What initially began as a simple terminal driver and task switcher gradually evolved into a fully functional operating system. The significant milestone of reaching version 1.0.0 was achieved in March 1994, marking Linux as a production-ready operating system.
Regarding the naming of Linux, Richard Stallman initially intended to call it "FREAX," derived from "Free" and "Unix." However, he eventually decided to rename it after himself, resulting in "Linux." Early makefiles may still contain references to the name "Freax."
Today, major technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Huawei rely on Linux and actively contribute to the development of the Linux kernel. Its widespread adoption and continuous advancement highlight the significant impact Linux has made in the tech industry and the open-source community.
Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free and Open-Software(FOSS)
By Richard Stallman
The terms “free software” and “open source” stand for almost the same range of programs. However, they say deeply different things about those programs, based on different values. The free software movement campaigns for freedom for the users of computing; it is a movement for freedom and justice. By contrast, the open source idea values mainly practical advantage and does not campaign for principles. This is why we do not agree with open source, and do not use that term.
The English language can indeed be confusing, as the meanings of words can change depending on their context and usage. In the realm of computers and software, the term "free" does not refer to cost, but rather to freedom and liberty. Free software promotes the freedom of speech through software and allows individuals to protect their valuable information from being exploited by corporations. As mentioned earlier, free software adheres to four main principles that prevent corporations from establishing monopolies in the market.
In today's era, where information holds immense value, free and open-source software (FOSS) ensures that big corporations cannot surreptitiously collect data from users' devices without their knowledge GPL prohibited this. Another challenge for FOSS is that it allows users to access and modify the source code of the software. This aspect poses a dilemma for corporations, as it can undermine the demand for their applications if anyone can freely copy and distribute them. Another problem is that they cannot hide backdoors to the application since the source code is open anyone can see it and the licensing does not allow to do that. It also a threat to intellectual property according to Bill Gates, Microsoft says open-source violates 325 patents.The term "free" also creates a misconception about the software, as it is often misunderstood to imply free of cost, whereas it actually refers to freedom and liberty.
Nevertheless, corporations cannot ignore the importance and benefits of FOSS software. It provides them with virtually free maintenance, as the community takes care of it. By engaging more people in the development and support of the software without monetary compensation, corporations can save substantial amounts of money. While this may sound exploitative, it is worth noting how much money can be saved by using FOSS applications like Linux, without concerns about licensing or royalties. Furthermore, corporations can modify the software to suit their needs and create their own proprietary versions, thanks to the permissions granted by GNU.
This explains why companies are willing to invest billions of dollars to become members of the Linux Foundation and why they prefer to remove the word "free" and solely focus on the term "open-source." By doing so, they can embrace the advantages and potential of FOSS while avoiding the misconception surrounding the term "free."
As Linux gained increasing popularity and recognition, there was one notable company that felt discontented with its emergence: Microsoft. While everyone else was praising Linux, Microsoft, a prominent player in the tech industry, expressed dissatisfaction. Linux had evolved into a fully-fledged, production-ready operating system that was freely available for anyone to use. However, this did not sit well with certain entities in capitalist America.
The first notable challenge came when the FBI approached Linus with a request to include a backdoor in his operating system. Linus firmly refused. However, it was not only law enforcement agencies that posed a threat. Microsoft executives were infuriated by the prospect of an operating system that users would not have to pay for. Steve Ballmer, a key figure at Microsoft, went so far as to refer to the GNU General Public License (GPL) as "A Cancer." Jim Allchin, another Microsoft executive, labeled it as "Un-American." In a rather bizarre attempt to discredit Linux, it was even falsely associated with Communism.
Microsoft claimed that open-source software violated 325 patents, further attempting to undermine its credibility for the name of intellectual property. It became increasingly evident that hackers and the growing popularity of free software were posing real challenges to the profits of corporations. People began to view free software as a safer and easily accessible alternative, especially with the rise of music piracy. It was becoming harder for big tech companies to deny that they were on the losing side.
As the 21st century progressed, computers became more mainstream, and the average user cared less about the underlying technology. This resulted in a decline in Linux's market share on the desktop side. However, Linux remained omnipresent, quietly running behind the scenes in various devices that we use on a daily basis. But the war between FOSS and Proprietary software are still on going.
It is truly remarkable how a simple community project initiated by one individual evolved into a highly professional operating system. Looking towards the future, Linux shows great promise, evident in the staggering statistics of 2023. The Linux git repository now boasts over 27 million lines of code, and an impressive number of the world's top 500 supercomputers rely on Linux. Among the top 25 websites, a mere two do not utilize Linux, showcasing its widespread adoption. Furthermore, a remarkable 96% of the world's top one million servers run on Linux, and a staggering 90% of cloud infrastructure operates on this powerful platform.
Notably, Linux serves as the foundation for the most popular mobile operating system, Android, further solidifying its influence. Additionally, a variety of Linux-based desktop operating systems such as Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora have gained significant popularity. The versatility of Linux is evident in the wide range of devices and use cases it supports, making it adaptable to almost any technological need.
However, Linux has faced some challenges on the desktop front. Compatibility with certain Windows applications remains a limitation, and the gaming sector has been somewhat behind. Nevertheless, recent developments have seen significant progress in enhancing gaming compatibility on Linux, with initiatives such as Proton and Vulkan leading the way. A notable example of this progress is the introduction of the SteamDeck, showcasing Linux's potential in the gaming industry. Encouragingly, Linux usage among gamers has increased from 0.8% to 1% according to the Steam hardware survey. While this percentage may not seem substantial, it signifies a positive trend, indicating the potential for more gamers to switch to Linux in the near future.
The open-source nature of Linux remains one of its defining strengths, allowing anyone to freely use and explore the operating system. Curiosity-driven individuals can readily visit a Linux distribution website and experience it on their old, unused laptops or explore it within a virtual machine. This accessibility and freedom have contributed to Linux's widespread adoption and continue to drive its growth and innovation.
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