How to setup WakaTime for vim

2 min read

The following instructions assume you have vim installed. If u do not you can install it with:

sudo apt-get install vim

  1. Copy and paste this entire script into your bash terminal and Enter. The script will install Wakatime and prompt you for your API key.

     sudo apt-get update && \
     sudo apt-get install -y curl && \ 
     # Download and run wakatime installation script(vim)
     curl -fsSL -o install_wakatime_vim && \
     chmod +x install_wakatime_vim && \
     sudo ./install_wakatime_vim && \
     rm install_wakatime_vim

    Always be cautious when running scripts from the internet. You can review the script here.

  2. If the plugin manager isn't already installed, you will see this prompt. It may take about 2 to 3 mins for it to install. So pls hang tight ๐Ÿ˜„

    Upon successful installation. vim is automatically started and you are prompted for your Wakatime API key. You can get your API key here if you are logged in

    What is an API key?
    Think of the API key as a special code that allows Vim and WakaTime to communicate with each other. It's like a secret password that Vim uses to securely connect to WakaTime and send information about your coding activity. By entering your API key, you're granting Vim permission to share your coding data with WakaTime, so you can track and analyze your coding habits. Learn more :)

    Note: If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to log in or sign up and then redirected to a page containing your API key. You can also get your API key from your email after signing up.

    Otherwise, navigate to your Wakatime settings as shown below

  3. You can now paste your API key and Enter.

    You may not be prompted if you have already installed wakatime and have a .wakatime.cfg file in your home directory. So it means that you are already connected.

  4. Success!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

  5. Now figure out how to quit vim ๐Ÿ˜ or restart your pc ๐Ÿ™‚

If by any chance this fails. you can visit the official wakatime for vim setup docs here

This article will be updated with more options to setup wakatime for vim soon.

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Just an aspiring software engineer who wants to make the world an easier place to live in for others and myself.