ASPA Path Verification Explained

Mingwei ZhangMingwei Zhang
7 min read

Autonomous System Provider Authorization (ASPA) is a recently proposed solution designed to detect and mitigate route leaks and improbable AS paths. ASPA utilizes the existing RPKI infrastructure to allow storing and verifying cryptographically protected AS-level relationship information. In this article, we will zoom into the AS path verification process of ASPA.

The content is based on this IETF draft from June 2023. It is expected that the draft content concerning address family will change. Additional modifications may also be present in the final RFC document.

Route leak

In overview, the definition of route leak considered in ASPA is based on RFC 7908: Problem Definition and Classification of BGP Route Leaks. The route leaks defined in this RFC is mostly based on the "valley-free" principle.

In our blog post on how we detect route leaks at Cloudflare, I roughly summarized the common four types of route leaks in the following table:

Routes fromTo providerTo peerTo customer
From providerType 1Type 3Normal
From peerType 4Type 2Normal
From customerNormalNormalNormal

In essence, route leaks defined in RFC 7908 can be summarized into one principle: routes obtained from a non-customer (peer, customer, route-server) AS can only be propagated to customers.

In ASPA, the authors inherited the definition of BGP roles (e.g. customer, provider) from RFC 9234. Read my previous blog post for more on the RFC9234 and the OTC BGP attribute.


The ASPA mechanism can be very roughly summarized into the following key points:

  • ASPA stores customer-to-provider information in RPKI

    • One customer AS (CAS) associated with a set of provider ASes (SPAS)
  • ASPA is useful for verifying BGP AS_PATH attribute content

    • AS_PATH that violates the "valley-free" routing principle can be detected with ASPA objects information
  • ASPA is incrementally deployable, benefiting early adopters

ASPA Verification Explained

Before we dive into how ASPA detects route leaks, we will first take a quick look at what a normal route looks like.

A typical long BGP route that travels from one edge network to a different edge network would look like this:

The route travels three different phases:

  1. upward: a consecutive customer-to-provider segments

  2. peering: a single peer-to-peer segment

  3. downward: a consecutive provider-to-customer segments

Note that in many cases, the routes may only have one or two phases, but they must be in this order. For example, one legit route could have an upward then downward phase, without a peering phase. A route leak route could be any route with reverse order of the phases, e.g. downward then upward.

In ASPA, the phases are defined into two categories:

  • upstream: path received from a customer or a peer or a route server

  • downstream: path received from a provider or sibling

The ASPA verification has different processes for upstream paths and downstream paths, we will explain each category in the rest of the section.

Upstream paths

ASPA verification for upstream paths (received from a customer or peer or route server) is relatively simple. The key principle is that a normal upstream path should only contain customer-to-provider relationships for the consecutive AS path hops.

A path is

  • Valid: if all hops in the AS paths are verifiable customer-to-provider, i.e. every hop on the path registers their providers on ASPA and the providers match the next hop on the path;

  • Unknown: one of the hops is missing ASPA information;

  • Invalid: one of AS has a set of provider AS (SPAS) but the next hop is not in it.

Downstream paths

The downstream paths are considerably more complex as it may have legit paths segments that travel all three phases (up, peer, down) before reaching the receiving AS. Interested readers should refer to the original IETF draft document's section on downstream path verification for a more definitive definition. Here in this article, I will try to grossly simplify the wording to provide a rough high-level verification process for easier understanding and remembrance.

Based on the original documentation, a downstream path is Invalid if there exist hops indexed as u and v such that

  1. u<=v

  2. hop(AS(u-1), AS(u))="Not Provider+"

  3. hop(AS(v+1),AS(v))="Not Provider+"

So, what does this mean? Here is my attempt on point-to-point translation:

  1. two hops at the location u and v and u is before v

  2. hop u is verified to be NOT a customer-to-provider hop, i.e. peer-to-peer or provider-to-customer, i.e. a peering or downward phase

  3. hop v is verified to be NOT a provider-to-customer hop, i.e. peer-to-peer or customer-to-provider, i.e. a peering or upward phase

In summary, the path would be ASPA Invalid, if it contains a downward or peering then later a upward or peering. The AS relationship would look like the following figure, where u and v could be the same ASN. As long as this pattern appears somewhere in the path, it violates the "valley-free" routing and thus is considered as route leak.

The Unknown and Valid definition would be simple as

  • Unknown: the path is NOT Invalid and there are hops that miss ASPA information

  • Valid: the path is NOT Invalid and NOT Unknown

The ASPA document allows different algorithms for the implementation of the verification process, as long as the results are identical to the process described in the original doc.

ASPA vs RFC9234

ASPA and RFC 9234 both target to prevent/mitigate route leaks, but they diverge in their approach. The table below summarizes my understanding of the main differences.

By whomCustomer AS (owner) onlyBGP sessions, providers
Content securityCryptographically signedSecured by BGP session; OTC attributes can be forged
Where to detect/filterAny ASNeighbors or ASes that receive OTC attribute
Prevent forged path?YesNo
Deployment whenInitial objects appeared already (see next section); general deployment will be 2025 or later (from Job Snijders)The initial deployment appeared; the general deployment unclear

How to view ASPA objects on RPKI today?

Although still in the draft phase, ASPA support has already been added to popular routing software like routinator and OpenBGPd. I've also added support for reading ASPA objects on RPKI to my tool BGPKIT monocle. Curious readers can already see what ASPA objects that are already on RPKI and view the content with monocle. Here is a quick tutorial on how to do so.

Install BGPKIT monocle

BGPKIT monocle is a Rust-based BGP data processing command-line tool. Currently, to install monocle, you will need to have Rust toolchain installed following the one-step command described in

Then you can install monocle by simply doing

cargo install monocle

Download the recent RPKI archive

To get the data archive of RPKI repositories, we use the RPKIViews project by Job Snijders. Take Job's own repo as an example, we first navigate the repo's main page at Then go to a recent date directory and download one archive (about 260MB in size).

cd /tmp
tar xzf rpki-20230625T173535Z.tgz

Find and view ASPA objects

The ASPA objects are stored as files with the suffix .asa in the RPKI repository. You can use find command to search across the untarred repo file from the previous step:

โžœ  rpki-20230625T173535Z find . -name "*.asa"

You can view the content of any one of the ASPA objects with monocle rpki read-aspa subcommand. Here are a couple of examples:

โžœ  rpki-20230625T173535Z monocle rpki read-aspa ./data/

| asn   | afi_limit | allowed_upstream |
| 60310 | none      | 924              |
|       |           | 6939             |
|       |           | 48581            |
|       |           | 50224            |
|       |           | 52210            |
|       |           | 204857           |
โžœ  rpki-20230625T173535Z monocle rpki read-aspa ./data/

| asn    | afi_limit | allowed_upstream |
| 204508 | none      | 6939             |
|        |           | 7721             |
|        |           | 29632            |
|        |           | 34872            |
|        |           | 34927            |
|        |           | 38230            |
|        |           | 41051            |
|        |           | 50058            |
|        |           | 60326            |
|        |           | 200105           |
|        |           | 208753           |
|        |           | 210633           |
|        |           | 211411           |
|        |           | 212271           |
|        |           | 212895           |

We (BGPKIT) are still experimenting with library support for ASPA for simpler measurements and research use cases. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me with your ideas or feature requests at

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Written by

Mingwei Zhang
Mingwei Zhang

Senior System Engineer at Cloudflare, founder and maintainer of BGPKIT. Build tools and pipelines to watch BGP data across the Internet.