VGG: Pioneering Depth in Convolutional Neural Networks

Known as VGG, this architecture became a pivotal point in the evolution of deep learning, particularly in the realm of computer vision.
Deep learning models are composed of layers of artificial neurons or nodes, and the 'depth' of a model is a reference to the number of layers it has. Before VGG, the depth of neural networks was not fully explored, with most models sticking to just a few layers. VGG changed this by introducing a 19-layer model known as VGG19, alongside a slightly less deep but still significant 16-layer model, VGG16.
VGG is built on the principles of convolutional layers, which are the fundamental building blocks of many computer vision models. These layers work by sliding a 'filter' or 'kernel' across the input image to create a feature map. Convolutional layers are excellent at learning local features in an image, like edges and textures, which can then be combined in deeper layers to understand more complex, abstract concepts.
In the VGG architecture, convolutional layers are stacked upon each other, each one learning increasingly complex features. Importantly, VGG always uses small 3x3 kernels, which is a design choice that has since become a standard in CNN architecture. This decision allowed for multiple non-linear rectifications at a low cost of computational resources, which is crucial when the networks become deeper.
After the convolutional layers, the architecture uses fully connected layers. These layers take the high-level features learned by the previous layers and combine them to make final predictions, such as classifying an image.
One of the standout features of VGG is its simplicity. Unlike some other architectures, which employ a variety of different layer types and configurations, VGG is almost entirely composed of the same type of layer – the 3x3 convolutional layer – with occasional max pooling for spatial downsampling. This simplicity and uniformity make VGG easy to understand, implement, and modify, contributing to its widespread use and enduring popularity.
However, it's important to note that the VGG architecture, while influential, is not without its drawbacks. The main one is that it is quite resource-intensive. The large number of layers and parameters means that VGG models require significant computational resources, both in terms of memory and processing power. This can make them unsuitable for some applications, particularly on devices with limited resources.
Despite these limitations, the influence of VGG on the field of computer vision cannot be overstated. It served as an inspiration for many subsequent architectures and remains a popular choice for a variety of applications, from image classification to feature extraction in transfer learning.
In conclusion, the VGG architecture, with its exploration of network depth and its simple, elegant design, has played a crucial role in the progression of computer vision technology. It's an excellent starting point for anyone interested in delving into the world of deep learning and computer vision, providing a strong foundation from which to explore more complex and efficient models.
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Written by
jaewoo choi
jaewoo choi
I'm a computer vision engineer, I love to learn, and I love to solve problems using artificial intelligence.