The beginning of a Linux Story

Rihaab WadekarRihaab Wadekar
2 min read

Linux workshop day-4 conducted under the Guidance of Pranav Jambare covered up the following points

Sticky bit

  • Setting Sticky bit on the directory allow only file owner, directory owner and root user to rename or delete its files.

  • It is only applicable to directories and not to files

      #Assigning the Stickybit the directory should have 777 permission
      chmod 777 <dirName>
      #Applying the sticky bit
      [root@ip-172-31-32-5 ec2-user]# chmod +t <dirName>


  • When the SUID bit on an executable file is set, it signifies that the file will be executed with the same permissions as the executable's owner.


  • The process will have the same group rights as the file being executed, just like SUID.


  • The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol that allows network services to be operated safely over an unsecured network.

  • SSH apps use a client-server architecture to connect an SSH client to an SSH server.

  • It uses port no 22

      #installing required packages
      yum install openssh-server
      yum install openssh-client
  • Check whether the port is active for ssh connection

      netstat -tunlp|grep 22
  • Check the status of the service

      systemctl status sshd
  • Restart the service

      systemctl restart ssh
  • Establishing connection between the Client and the server'

      ssh <username>@<userIP>

Find and Locate


  • Find command is used to find files and folder and to perform operations on them.

  • The find command allows you to find files, folder, owner,permissions, etc.

      find <path> -<Searchoption> <filename>


  • Locate command is used to find files by names.

  • It searches databases rather than file system.

  • Locate command is faster than find.

  • The database needs to be updated using the "updatedb" command.

#Update database

#locate file
locate <fileName>
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Written by

Rihaab Wadekar
Rihaab Wadekar