My Journey of Clou(D)evOps

Table of contents

Hi, this blog is about my experience throughout the journey of Clou(D)evOps.
First, to understand the concept of Clou(D)evOps, we should know about the difference between On-premises and Cloud.
--> On-premises is nothing but what exists in the physical world.
--> In on-premises, we have to take care of each and everything. Such as Infrastructure, Systems for employees, cooling systems, servers, hardware, updates, power supply, high availability, security, data center, etc.
--> Here we have to pay for everything whether we use it or not.
--> We are the whole responsible for everything if anything goes wrong with servers, systems, hardware, etc.
To overcome these issues or problems they came up with the concept of "Cloud".
--> Cloud is nothing but what exits virtually.
--> In the cloud we will pay only for what we use.
--> Here the infrastructure will be maintained by the respective cloud platforms like AWS, AZURE, GCP, etc.
--> Here we can easily maintain high availability, high security, and automatic scaling like vertical scaling and horizontal scaling by selecting the respective options in the respective cloud platform portals.
--> Here we can easily do any changes at any given time.
Hope you understand the difference between cloud and on-premises. Why now everyone is eager to move to the cloud?
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