Finding the Balance: Global Functions, the Global Keyword, and Energy-Efficiency in Python

Pronod BharatiyaPronod Bharatiya
14 min read

In the world of software development, efficiency is a top priority. From optimizing algorithms to reducing memory usage, every aspect of code must be carefully considered. However, energy efficiency is a frequently overlooked dimension. Writing code that not only performs well but also consumes resources efficiently is crucial for both the environment and the performance of devices, especially in battery-powered and resource-constrained scenarios.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the energy efficiency implications of using global functions versus utilizing the global keyword within local functions in Python.

By understanding the strengths and potential drawbacks of each approach, we can make informed decisions to strike the right balance between code organization, reusability, and energy efficiency.

Understanding Local vs Global Variables

Before diving into the energy efficiency aspect, let's refresh our understanding of local and global variables in Python.

Comparison Table of Local and Global Variables in Python

Variable TypeScopeAccessibilityPurpose
Local VariablesWithin a specific function scopeOnly within that functionControlled environment for data manipulation, promotes encapsulation and modularity
Global VariablesTop-level script/module scopeAnywhere within the moduleAccessible from various parts of the code, requires special attention for use within functions

Let us understand this in detail.

  1. Local Variables: These variables are defined within the scope of a specific function. They are accessible only within that particular function and are not visible to other functions or the global scope. Local variables provide a controlled environment for data manipulation within the function, promoting encapsulation and modularity. This means that changes to local variables within a function do not affect variables with the same name outside that function.

  2. Global Variables: Global variables are defined at the top level of a Python script or module. They have a global scope, which means they can be accessed from anywhere within the module. However, when you want to modify a global variable from within a function, you need to use the global keyword to indicate that you're referring to the global variable, not creating a new local variable with the same name. This distinction is crucial to prevent unintended variable shadowing or creating separate local variables with the same name as a global variable. Global variables are useful for storing data that needs to be accessible across different parts of the code.

Local Variables: A Path to Energy Efficiency

One of the key principles of writing energy-efficient code is minimizing unnecessary data movement. Local variables play a crucial role in achieving this goal. When you pass data explicitly as function arguments and use local variables within functions, you create a clear and controlled environment for data manipulation.

Consider the following code snippet:

def calculate_square(x):
    return x * x

def calculate_cubic(x):
    return x * x * x

result1 = calculate_square(5)
result2 = calculate_cubic(5)

In this snippet, calculate_square and calculate_cubic are simple functions that calculate the square and cubic of a given number, respectively. The functions take the input as an argument and return the result. This design promotes encapsulation and modularity. The functions are self-contained, with no reliance on external variables, making them easier to understand, test, and maintain.

Advantages of Local Variables:

  1. Minimized Data Movement: Since the functions use local variables, there is no unnecessary movement of data between functions. The input parameter is explicitly passed, and the result is returned, all within the function's scope. This reduces memory usage and improves performance, which indirectly contributes to energy efficiency.

  2. Encapsulation: The use of local variables follows the principle of encapsulation. Each function operates within its own context, without modifying external state. This makes the code more modular and less prone to unintended side effects.

  3. Isolation and Testing: Code that relies on local variables is easier to test in isolation. You can test each function with different input values, and you don't need to worry about global variables impacting the behavior of the functions.

Global Variables: A Trade-off for Convenience

While local variables offer clear benefits in terms of energy efficiency and code organization, there are situations where global variables might seem more convenient, especially when multiple functions need access to the same data or configuration settings. However, it's essential to strike a balance and use global variables judiciously.

Consider the following code snippet that uses global variables within local functions:

square_result = 0
cubic_result = 0

def calculate_square(x):
    global square_result
    square_result = x * x

def calculate_cubic(x):
    global cubic_result
    cubic_result = x * x * x


In this snippet, square_result and cubic_result are global variables. The functions calculate_square and calculate_cubic calculate the square and cubic of a given number, respectively, but they modify these global variables to store the results.

Advantages of Global Variables (in specific cases):

  1. Shared Data: When multiple functions need access to the same data or configuration settings, using global variables can be more convenient than passing the data as function arguments. This approach can simplify the code and reduce the need to pass the same variables to different functions.

  2. Configuration Settings: Global variables are often used to store configuration settings that are used throughout a module or script. These settings may not change frequently, and using global variables can provide a central place for managing them.

However, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential drawbacks and trade-offs of using global variables, especially in terms of energy efficiency:

  1. Global State Complexity: Excessive use of global variables can lead to a complex and interconnected global state. This can make it harder to reason about the behavior of your program, especially as it grows in complexity. Managing this global state consumes more resources and can lead to inefficiencies.

  2. Code Maintainability: Code that relies heavily on global variables can be harder to understand and maintain. It becomes less clear where a variable is being modified or used, leading to potential confusion and difficulties in debugging.

  3. Testing Challenges: Code that relies heavily on global variables can be challenging to test in isolation. It's harder to isolate the behavior of individual functions, and the global state can impact the results of tests in unpredictable ways.

Global Functions: Encapsulation and Reusability

Global functions, defined at the top level of the script or module, offer several advantages in terms of code organization, modularity, and reusability.

Code Organization: By encapsulating specific functionality within a global function, you create a higher-level abstraction. Function names indicate their purpose, enhancing code understanding. For instance:

def calculate_area(radius):
    return 3.14 * radius * radius

def calculate_perimeter(radius):
    return 2 * 3.14 * radius

Here, the functions calculate_area and calculate_perimeter encapsulate distinct calculations related to circles, improving code readability and maintainability.

Modularity and DRY Principle: Global functions encourage modular programming, aligning with the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. Reusable functions reduce code duplication, minimizing errors during maintenance, and resulting in a more efficient development process.

Reusability: Once defined, global functions are available throughout the codebase, reducing redundancy and improving the overall quality of the application.

Energy Efficiency of Global Functions:

Global functions tend to be more energy-efficient due to their simplicity, code organization, and readability. Function calls are generally faster and less resource-intensive than managing a shared global state.

Using the global Keyword Inside Local Functions: Sharing State and Direct Modification

The global keyword in Python indicates that a variable within a local function should be treated as a global variable. This approach allows sharing state between functions and enables direct modification of global variables within the local function's scope.

Sharing Data Between Functions: The global keyword allows direct data sharing between functions without explicit parameter passing. This reduces the complexity of function calls when multiple functions modify the same global data.

counter = 0

def increment_counter():
    global counter
    counter += 1

def double_counter():
    global counter
    counter *= 2

Here, both increment_counter and double_counter functions directly modify the counter global variable, simplifying the code and reducing the need for parameter passing.

Accessing Global Configuration: The global keyword is useful for accessing global configuration settings used across various functions or modules. It allows accessing these settings within a local function's scope without explicitly passing them as arguments.

log_enabled = True

def log_message(message):
    global log_enabled
    if log_enabled:

def process_data(data):
    log_message("Processing data...")
    # Process the data

In this example, the log_message function can access the log_enabled global configuration without needing it as a function argument, making the code more concise.

Consideration for Complexity: While the global keyword enables direct data sharing and modification, it introduces complexity. Managing shared mutable state across functions can make the code harder to understand and lead to potential bugs and maintenance challenges.

# Example of shared mutable state with the global keyword
shared_list = []

def append_to_list(value):
    global shared_list

def process_list():
    global shared_list
    for item in shared_list:
        # Process the item

Both append_to_list and process_list functions access and modify the shared_list global variable. However, this shared mutable state can lead to unexpected behavior if not carefully managed.

Energy Efficiency of the Global Keyword:

The use of the global keyword, while providing direct data-sharing capabilities, comes with trade-offs in terms of complexity and reduced modularity. This can impact energy efficiency by introducing overhead in managing shared mutable states.

Comparison: Global Functions vs. the Global Keyword

Let's present a comparison between global functions and using the global keyword inside local functions in a tabular form:

AspectGlobal FunctionsGlobal Keyword Inside Local Functions
DefinitionDefined at the top-level scope of a script/module.Used within a local function to access or modify global.
AccessAccessible from anywhere within the script/module.Accessed within the local function's scope.
ReusabilityCan be reused throughout the codebase.N/A (local scope).
ModularityEncapsulates specific functionality.N/A (local scope).
ReadabilityImproves code readability.N/A (local scope).
EncapsulationEncourages encapsulation and DRY principle.N/A (local scope).
Modifying Global VariablesNot directly related to modifying global.Allows modification of global variables within the function.
Sharing Data Between FunctionsNot applicable to sharing data directly.Can share and modify global data among functions.
Accessing Global ConfigurationNot applicable for accessing the global configuration.Allows access to global configuration within the function.
Best Practices ConsiderationEncourage use for common functionality.Use with caution, and minimize excessive global usage.

This table summarizes the key aspects of global functions and uses the global keyword inside local functions, highlighting their differences and typical use cases. It's important to consider the specific requirements of your code when deciding whether to use global functions or modify global variables within local functions using the global keyword. Balancing modularity, readability, and maintainability is crucial while keeping the global state to a reasonable minimum.

Choosing the Right Approach

In terms of energy efficiency, global functions generally have the edge. They are generally more energy-efficient due to their simplicity, code organization, and readability. Also, they promote modularity, encapsulation, and code organization, leading to cleaner and more efficient code. While using the global keyword within local functions can offer direct data sharing and modification capabilities, it comes with the trade-offs of increased complexity and reduced modularity. The global keyword, while useful for specific cases such as sharing configuration settings, should be used judiciously to minimize shared mutable states.

When designing your Python applications, it's crucial to strike the right balance between using global functions and managing the global state with the global keyword. Favor global functions for organizing your code and enhancing readability. Reserve the use of the global keyword for specific cases where direct data sharing is required, but exercise caution to minimize shared mutable state.

By following these best practices and considering the energy efficiency implications of your code design, you can create Python applications that are not only functional but also maintainable and efficient. Remember that a well-organized, modular, and readable codebase is not only a joy to work with but also contributes to better energy efficiency in the long run.

Energy Efficiency - Analysis of Code Snippets

To further illustrate the importance of energy efficiency, let's analyze the energy efficiency of two Python code snippets:

Code 1:

v5 = []
def f1():
    for i in range(5):

Code 2:

def f1():
    v5 = []
    for i in range(5):

We'll consider factors such as memory usage, computational complexity, and the number of operations performed. Let's break down the analysis into a tabular form:

The table below includes the energy efficiency comparison between the two code snippets for list generation. The table's purpose is to provide a detailed comparison of various factors related to energy efficiency and code design.

Energy Efficiency Comparison Table: Code Snippets for List Generation

FactorCode Snippet 1Code Snippet 2Energy Efficiency Comparison
Memory ManagementMay keep v5 in memory after function executionCreates v5 locally within the function, discarded after function executionSnippet 2 is more memory-efficient
Data MovementBoth snippets perform the same append operationBoth snippets have similar data movementComparable data movement
Encapsulationv5 is a global variable accessible from anywherev5 is a local variable, reducing unintended access and modificationSnippet 2 has better encapsulation
Code StructureGlobal variables can lead to less structured codeLocal variable follows a more structured and modular approachSnippet 2 has better code structure
Loop Range (Assuming)Range from 0 to 4Range from 0 to 4Comparable loop range

Let us understand the comparison in detail.

  1. Memory Management: Snippet 2 is more energy-efficient as it limits memory usage by creating v5 locally, ensuring the list is discarded after function execution. Snippet 1, on the other hand, might result in more energy consumption due to the potential persistence of v5 in memory.

  2. Data Movement: Both snippets have comparable data movement, so there isn't a significant difference in energy efficiency related to data movement.

  3. Encapsulation: Snippet 2 is more energy-efficient in terms of encapsulation since it uses a local variable, reducing the potential for unintended modifications and leading to more predictable behavior.

  4. Code Structure: Snippet 2's better code structure improves energy efficiency by adhering to best practices, making the code more modular and easier to maintain, and reducing the risk of errors that might consume additional energy.

In conclusion, Code Snippet 2 is more energy-efficient overall due to its better memory management, improved encapsulation, and structured code, making it a preferable choice in terms of energy efficiency, especially for larger and more complex programs.

Striking the Right Balance

In summary, the choice between using local variables and global variables in Python depends on the specific requirements of your code. While global variables can offer convenience in certain scenarios, it's essential to use them sparingly and thoughtfully. Consider the following guidelines to strike the right balance between energy efficiency and code organization:

  1. Pass Data Explicitly: When possible, pass data explicitly as function arguments. This minimizes data movement, enhances encapsulation, and promotes code modularity.

  2. Limit Global Variables: Reserve the use of global variables for cases where multiple functions truly need access to the same shared data or configuration settings. Keep the number of global variables to a minimum, and clearly document their purpose and usage.

  3. Encapsulation and Testing: Prioritize encapsulation and write functions that are easy to test in isolation. Well-encapsulated functions make your code more maintainable and help you catch bugs early.

  4. Profile and Optimize: Profile your code to identify performance bottlenecks and areas where energy efficiency can be improved. Measure the impact of using global variables versus local variables on the overall resource consumption of your program.

By following these guidelines and being mindful of the energy efficiency implications of your coding decisions, you can write code that not only performs well but also consumes resources more efficiently. In an era where energy consumption is a growing concern, every effort we make to write energy-efficient code contributes to a more sustainable and efficient digital ecosystem.

Thus, finding the balance between global functions and the judicious use of the global keyword is essential for energy-efficient code. Global functions promote code organization, reusability, and modularity, leading to better energy efficiency overall. The global keyword, while useful.


  1. Energy Efficiency Emphasis

    • Energy-efficient code is vital for the environment and device performance.

    • Focus on Python's local vs. global variables for efficiency.

  2. Local vs. Global Variables

    • Local variables are confined to a function's scope.

    • Global variables are accessible throughout the module.

  3. Advantages of Local Variables

    • Reduce data movement, and improve memory and performance.

    • Encourage encapsulation, modularity, and isolated functions.

  4. Global Variables: Convenience and Challenges

    • Useful for shared data but can lead to complexity.

    • Issues include maintainability and testing challenges.

  5. Global Functions: Organization and Reusability

    • Improve code readability, and encourage modular design.

    • Promote the DRY principle and reduce redundancy.

  6. Global Keyword in Local Functions

    • Enables direct data sharing and modification.

    • Used for shared state and global configuration access.

  7. Complexity Concerns

    • Managing shared mutable states is complex and can lead to confusion.

    • Increases the risk of bugs and maintenance issues.

  8. Comparison: Global Functions vs. Global Keyword

    • Global functions are generally more energy-efficient.

    • Highlight differences in access, encapsulation, and modifiability.

  9. Choosing the Right Approach

    • Advised to prefer global functions for readability and organization.

    • Use global variables judiciously, and limit shared mutable states.

  10. Striking the Balance

    • Pass data explicitly, and minimize global variables.

    • Prioritize encapsulation, facilitate testing, and optimize efficiency.

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Written by

Pronod Bharatiya
Pronod Bharatiya

As a passionate Machine Learning and Deep Learning enthusiast, I document my learning journey on Hashnode. My experience encompasses various projects, from exploring foundational algorithms to implementing advanced neural networks. I enjoy breaking down complex concepts into digestible insights, making them accessible for all. Join me as I share my thoughts, tutorials, and tips to navigate the exciting world of ML and DL. Connect with me on LinkedIn to explore collaboration opportunities!