Introduction to C Programming

Pratham GargPratham Garg
6 min read

Previously we did the Introduction to the Programming Language where we learned about the basic functionality of computers, learned how information is stored and how compilers play an important role in converting our human readable code to machine language which is Binary.



Everything that we write gets converted into 0's and 1's (binary).

For example:

65 is stored as 01000001 in the computer

A is also stored as 01000001 in the computer

Wait, hold on a second! If every single thing we write gets turned into 0s and 1's by the compiler, how on earth does the computer figure out if a binary represents an integer or an alphabet? That's mind-boggling!

For that, the Typed Programming languages use a type system to interpret the bit streams in memory.

C is also a typed programming language.

A type is a rule that defines how to store values in memory and which operations are admissible on those values.

So, there are four most common types in the C language.

Arithmetic Types

The four most common types or data types of the C language for performing arithmetic calculations are:

  • char

  • int

  • float

  • double

A char occupies 1 byte and can store a small integer value, a single character or a single symbol:

Now int like 1, 2, and 3 can be represented as 0 and 1's easily like we learned last time but characters and symbols have no intrinsic binary representation. So we use collating sequences like ASCII which associates each character and symbol with a unique integer value.

For example:

A is associated with 65 which has a binary value of 01000001.

Now you might think both 65 and A have the same binary value how does the computer distinguish between both? Then read this again.

An int occupies one word and can store an integer value. In a 32-bit environment, an int occupies 4 bytes:

Memory representation for a 4-byte 32-bit int type

A float typically occupies 4 bytes and can store a single-precision, floating-point number:

Memory representation for a 4-byte 32-bit float type

A double typically occupies 8 bytes and can store a double-precision, floating-point number:

Memory representation for a 8-byte 64-bit double type

Think of these types like a box which has a definite size and tells you what is inside.

When I say int, I know the box can hold a number like 1, 2, 3, ..100, and the biggest number it can hold is 2,147,483,647.

Remember that the number gets stored in binary, not in decimal.

2,147,483,647 This is quite a big number but in today's world, we might need to store bigger values. For that, we can also adjust the size of our data types by using Size Specifiers.

Size Specifiers

Size specifiers adjust the size of the int and double types.

int Type Size Specifiers

Specifying the size of an int ensures that the type contains a minimum number of bits. The three specifiers are:

  • short

  • long

  • long long

A short int (or simply, a short) contains at least 16 bits:

Memory representation for a 2-byte 16-bit short int type

A long int (or simply, a long) contains at least 32 bits:

Memory representation for a 4-byte 32-bit lont int type

A long long int (or simply, a long long) contains at least 64 bits:

Memory representation for a 8-byte 64-bit long long int type

The size of a simple int is no less than the size of a short.

double Type Size Specifier

The size of a long double depends on the environment and is typically at least 64 bits:

Memory representation for a 8-byte 64-bit long double type

Specifying the long double type only ensures that it contains at least as many bits as a double. The C language does not require a long double to contain a minimum number of bits.

Value Ranges

The number of bytes allocated for a type determines the range of values that that type can store.

Integral Types

The ranges of values for the integral types are shown below. Ranges for some types depend on the execution environment:

char8 bits-128127
char8 bits0255
short\>= 16 bits-32,76832,767
int2 bytes-32,76832,767
int4 bytes-2,147,483,6482,147,483,647
long\>= 32 bits-2,147,483,6482,147,483,647
long long\>= 64 bits-9,233,372,036,854,775,8089,233,372,036,854,775,807

Floating-Point Types

The limits on a float and double depends on the execution environment:

TypeSizeSignificantMin ExponentMax Exponent
long doubletypical15-307307


Both the number of significant digits and the range of the exponent are limited. The limits on the exponent are in base 10.

Variable Declarations

Variables are containers for storing data values, like numbers and characters. The type identifies the properties of the variable.

To create a variable, specify the type and assign it a value:


type variableName = value;

Where type is one of C types (such as int), and variableName is the name of the variable (such as x or myName). The equal sign is used to assign a value to the variable.

We conclude the declaration with a semi-colon, making it a complete statement.

For example:

 char  children;
 int   nPages;
 float cashFare;
 const double pi = 3.14159265; 
// const means that you can't change the value of variable pi.
// if we try to do somthing like this
pi = 4; 
// this is going to give error as 
//I am trying to change unmodifiable value

You can also declare a variable without assigning the value, and assign the value later:


// Declare a variable
int myNum;
// Assign a value to the variable
myNum = 15;

Multiple Declarations

We may group the identifiers of variables that share the same type within a single declaration by separating the identifiers by commas.

For example,

 char   children, digit;
 int    nPages, nBooks, nRooms;
 float  cashFare, height, weight;
 double loan, mortgage;
Try to give a meaningful name to a variable.
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Written by

Pratham Garg
Pratham Garg

I am a student learning Computer Programming 👨‍💻.