AKS with Application Gateway & AGIC using Terraform

DevOps TalksDevOps Talks
8 min read

I'm writing this blog about a recent difficulty I encountered while setting up an AKS cluster. It revolved around being unable to manage the Application Gateway linked to it. A little sneak peek: the issue had to do with identity and permissions.

What is AGIC (Application Gateway IngressController)?

The Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) is a Kubernetes application, which makes it possible for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) customers to leverage Azure's native Application Gateway L7 load-balancer to expose cloud software to the Internet. AGIC monitors the Kubernetes cluster it's hosted on and continuously updates an Application Gateway so that selected services are exposed to the Internet. You can read more about it here.

Prerequisite and scope

In this blog post, we will delve into exploring the utilization of Terraform to accomplish the following tasks:

  • ✅Create a resource group

  • ✅Create a new application gateway

  • ✅Create a new AKS cluster with AGIC add-on enabled

  • ✅Deploy a sample application using AGIC for ingress on the AKS cluster

  • ✅Check that the application is reachable through application gateway

You need to have one vnet and within that atleast two subnets already created in azure . One subnet for AKS cluster and another one for application gateway.

Lets explore the terraform code .

Implement the Terraform code

  1. Create a directory in which to test the sample Terraform code and make it the current directory.

  2. Create a file named providers.tf and insert the following code.

     terraform {
       required_version = "~> 1.2"
       required_providers {
         azurerm = {
           source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
           version = "~> 3.0"
     provider "azurerm" {
       features {}
  3. Create a file named app-gateway.tf and insert the following code.

     resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" {
       name     = var.resource_group_name
       location = var.resource_group_location
     data "azurerm_subnet" "appgwsubnet" {
       name                 = var.application_gateway_subnet_name
       virtual_network_name = var.vnet_name
       resource_group_name  = var.vnet_resource_group_name
     resource "azurerm_public_ip" "test" {
       name                = "publicIp1"
       location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
       resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
       allocation_method   = "Static"
       sku                 = "Standard"
       tags = var.tags
     resource "azurerm_application_gateway" "network" {
       name                = var.app_gateway_name
       resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
       location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
       sku {
         name     = var.app_gateway_sku
         tier     = "Standard_v2"
         capacity = 2
       gateway_ip_configuration {
         name      = "appGatewayIpConfig"
         subnet_id = data.azurerm_subnet.appgwsubnet.id
       frontend_port {
         name = local.frontend_port_name
         port = 80
       frontend_port {
         name = "httpsPort"
         port = 443
       frontend_ip_configuration {
         name                 = local.frontend_ip_configuration_name
         public_ip_address_id = azurerm_public_ip.test.id
       backend_address_pool {
         name = local.backend_address_pool_name
       backend_http_settings {
         name                  = local.http_setting_name
         cookie_based_affinity = "Disabled"
         port                  = 80
         protocol              = "Http"
         request_timeout       = 1
       http_listener {
         name                           = local.listener_name
         frontend_ip_configuration_name = local.frontend_ip_configuration_name
         frontend_port_name             = local.frontend_port_name
         protocol                       = "Http"
       request_routing_rule {
         name                       = local.request_routing_rule_name
         rule_type                  = "Basic"
         http_listener_name         = local.listener_name
         backend_address_pool_name  = local.backend_address_pool_name
         backend_http_settings_name = local.http_setting_name
         priority                   = 100
       tags = var.tags
       depends_on = [azurerm_public_ip.test]
       lifecycle {
         ignore_changes = [
  4. Create a file named aks.tf and insert the following code.

     data "azurerm_subnet" "akssubnet" {
       name                 = var.aks_subnet_name
       virtual_network_name = var.vnet_name
       resource_group_name  = var.vnet_resource_group_name
     resource "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" "aks_workspace" {
       name                = var.workspace
       location            = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
       resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
     resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "aks" {
       name                                = var.cluster_name
       kubernetes_version                  = var.kubernetes_version
       location                            = var.location
       resource_group_name                 = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
       dns_prefix                          = var.cluster_name
       private_cluster_enabled             = true
       http_application_routing_enabled    = false
       azure_policy_enabled                = true
       private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled = var.private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled
       oms_agent {
         log_analytics_workspace_id = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.aks_workspace.id
       default_node_pool {
         name                = var.node_pool_name
         node_count          = var.system_node_count
         vm_size             = var.vm_size
         type                = var.aks_node_pool_type
         enable_auto_scaling = var.enable_auto_scaling
         os_disk_size_gb     = var.os_disk_size_gb
         vnet_subnet_id      = data.azurerm_subnet.akssubnet.id
       ingress_application_gateway {
         gateway_id = azurerm_application_gateway.network.id
       azure_active_directory_role_based_access_control {
         managed            = true
         azure_rbac_enabled = true
       identity {
         type = var.identity_type
       network_profile {
         network_plugin    = var.network_plugin
         load_balancer_sku = var.loadbalancer_sku
         network_policy    = var.network_policy
       depends_on = [
     resource "azurerm_log_analytics_solution" "container_insights" {
       solution_name         = var.container_insights
       location              = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location
       resource_group_name   = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name
       workspace_resource_id = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.aks_workspace.id
       workspace_name        = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.aks_workspace.name
       plan {
         publisher = var.aks_publisher
         product   = var.aks_product
  5. Create a file named locals.tf and insert the following code.

     # Locals block for hardcoded names
     locals {
       backend_address_pool_name      = "${var.vnet_name}-beap"
       frontend_port_name             = "${var.vnet_name}-feport"
       frontend_ip_configuration_name = "${var.vnet_name}-feip"
       http_setting_name              = "${var.vnet_name}-be-htst"
       listener_name                  = "${var.vnet_name}-httplstn"
       request_routing_rule_name      = "${var.vnet_name}-rqrt"
       app_gateway_subnet_name        = data.azurerm_subnet.appgwsubnet.name
  6. Create a file named roles.tf and insert the following code.

     resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "Network_Contributor_subnet" {
       scope                = data.azurerm_subnet.appgwsubnet.id
       role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"
       principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id
     resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "rg_reader" {
       scope                = azurerm_resource_group.rg.id
       role_definition_name = "Reader"
       principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id
     resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "app-gw-contributor" {
       scope                = azurerm_application_gateway.network.id
       role_definition_name = "Contributor"
       principal_id         = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.ingress_application_gateway[0].ingress_application_gateway_identity[0].object_id
  7. Create a file named variables.tf and insert the following code.

     variable "resource_group_location" {
       default     = "centralus"
       description = "Location of the resource group."
     variable "app_gateway_name" {
       description = "Name of the Application Gateway"
       default     = "ApplicationGateway1"
     variable "app_gateway_sku" {
       description = "Name of the Application Gateway SKU"
       default     = "Standard_v2"
     variable "app_gateway_tier" {
       description = "Tier of the Application Gateway tier"
       default     = "Standard_v2"
     variable "tags" {
       type = map(string)
       default = {
         source = "terraform"
     variable "resource_group_name" {
       type        = string
       description = "RG name in Azure"
       default     = "rg-test"
     variable "location" {
       type        = string
       description = "Resources location in Azure"
       default     = "centralus"
     variable "cluster_name" {
       type        = string
       description = "AKS name in Azure"
       default     = "test-aks"
     variable "kubernetes_version" {
       type        = string
       description = "Kubernetes version"
       default     = "1.26.3"
     variable "system_node_count" {
       type        = number
       description = "Number of AKS worker nodes"
       default     = 1
     variable "vm_size" {
       type        = string
       description = "size of node pool"
       default     = "Standard_DS2_v2"
     variable "node_pool_name" {
       type        = string
       description = "node pool name"
       default     = "testpool"
     variable "enable_auto_scaling" {
       type        = string
       description = "auto scaling node pool"
       default     = "false"
     variable "aks_node_pool_type" {
       type        = string
       description = "aks_node_pool"
       default     = "VirtualMachineScaleSets"
     variable "os_disk_size_gb" {
       type        = number
       description = "disk size in GB"
       default     = 30
     variable "network_plugin" {
       type        = string
       description = "Network plugin "
       default     = "azure"
     variable "network_policy" {
       type        = string
       description = "azure network policy "
       default     = "azure"
     variable "loadbalancer_sku" {
       type        = string
       description = "specified loadbalancer sku type"
       default     = "standard"
     variable "identity_type" {
       type        = string
       description = "identity type"
       default     = "SystemAssigned"
     variable "workspace" {
       type        = string
       description = "The full name of the Log Analytics workspace with which the solution will be linked."
       default     = "aks-workspace"
     variable "container_insights" {
       type        = string
       description = "name of the log analytics solution "
       default     = "AksContainerInsights"
     variable "aks_publisher" {
       type        = string
       description = "The publisher of the solution.For example Microsoft.Changing this forces a new resource to be created."
       default     = "Microsoft"
     variable "aks_product" {
       type        = string
       description = "The product name of the solution.For example OMSGallery/Containers.Changing this forces a new resource to be created."
       default     = "aksContainerInsights"
     variable "aks_subnet_name" {
       description = "Name of AKS Subnet."
       default = "aks"
       type        = string
     variable "vnet_name" {
       description = "Name of VNet."
       default = "test-vnet"
       type        = string
     variable "vnet_resource_group_name" {
       description = "Name of theVnet resource group."
       default = "vnet-rg"
       type        = string
     variable "private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled" {
       type        = bool
       description = "Disable a public FQDN on a new AKS cluster"
       default     = false
     variable "application_gateway_subnet_name" {
       type        = string
       description = "name of the subnet where application gateway resides"
       default = "default"

    You can either change the default values or create a .tfvars file where you can pass the values of your variables for this iac.

  8. Create a file named outputs.tf and insert the following code.

     output "aks_id" {
       value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.id
     output "cluster_name" {
       value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.name
     output "networkprofile" {
       value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.network_profile
     output "private_cluster_enabled" {
       value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.private_cluster_enabled
     output "role_based_access_control_enabled" {
       value = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.role_based_access_control_enabled
     output "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" {
       value = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.aks_workspace.name
     output "azurerm_log_analytics_solution" {
       value = azurerm_log_analytics_solution.container_insights.solution_name
     resource "local_file" "kubeconfig" {
       depends_on = [azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks]
       filename   = "kubeconfig"
       content    = azurerm_kubernetes_cluster.aks.kube_config_raw
     output "application_ip_address" {
       value = azurerm_public_ip.test.ip_address

Init , Plan and Apply

Run terraform init to initialize the Terraform deployment.

Run terraform plan to create an execution plan.

Run terraform apply to apply the execution plan to your cloud infrastructure.

Verify the results: Test the Kubernetes cluster

Connect with your Kubernetes cluster. Check the accessibility by kubectl get nodes command or any other command for aks.

You can test the ingress with a fun voting game from Microsoft deployed with this manifest. A big thanks to Thomas Thornton and Microsoft Docs for the great deployment.yaml . Here is the deployment manifest.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: azure-vote-back
  replicas: 1
      app: azure-vote-back
        app: azure-vote-back
        "kubernetes.io/os": linux
      - name: azure-vote-back
        image: mcr.microsoft.com/oss/bitnami/redis:6.0.8
        - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD
          value: "yes"
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
            cpu: 250m
            memory: 256Mi
        - containerPort: 6379
          name: redis
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: azure-vote-back
  - port: 6379
    app: azure-vote-back
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: azure-vote-front
  replicas: 1
      app: azure-vote-front
        app: azure-vote-front
        "kubernetes.io/os": linux
      - name: azure-vote-front
        image: mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/azure-vote-front:v1
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
            cpu: 250m
            memory: 256Mi
        - containerPort: 80
        - name: REDIS
          value: "azure-vote-back"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: azure-vote-front
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    app: azure-vote-front
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: azure-vote-front
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: azure/application-gateway
    - http:
          - path: /
            pathType: Prefix
                name: azure-vote-front
                  number: 80

Run kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

You can get the application_ip_address from output . Go to your browser and paste this ip address . You will be able to see your application running .


Setting up the Application Gateway Ingress Controller on an existing Application Gateway can be a challenging task if the necessary permissions haven't been properly configured. Resolving these issues can lead to extended periods of troubleshooting, but my aim is that I've now helped you save valuable time and frustration! 🤓

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DevOps Talks
DevOps Talks

Hey there, I'm the DevOps wizard with a passion for automating everything in sight. When I'm not knee-deep in code, I love to explore the latest tech trends and listen to my favorite tunes. With my keen attention to detail and problem-solving skills, I'm the go-to person for any infrastructure challenge or automation.