What is LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

2 min read


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol that provides directory services as part of the internet protocol stack.

LDAP Structure

LDAP inherently follows a tree structure and stores data with specific conditions. Each node is referred to as an entry, and classified information is stored in each entry.

Entry Name Table

Entry NameFull NameDescription
cCountry NameCountry name
stState Province NameState or province name
lLocality NameCity or locality name
cnCommon NameCommon name
snSur NameSurname
givenNameGiven NameGiven name
streetStreet AddressStreet address
oOrganization NameOrganization (company) name
ouOrganization Unit NameOrganization unit name
dcDomain ComponentDomain name component
mailMailE-mail address
telephoneNumberTelephone NumberTelephone number
dnDistinguished NameIdentifier
rdnRelative Distinguished NameRelative identifier
uidUser IDUser's name

Web Application Structure Using LDAP


LDAP provides a way to store and retrieve information about users, groups, devices, and more using a hierarchical data structure.


  • Efficient data retrieval is possible due to the hierarchical structure of directory services.

  • Offers features for authentication and access control, enhancing security.

  • Widely known standard protocol with support for various platforms and languages.


  • LDAP can require complex setup and management.

  • It might not be suitable for handling large amounts of data.

  • It's more specialized for retrieval and storage rather than insertion or modification.


import ldap

# Connect to LDAP server
conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://ldap.example.com')

# Binding (Authentication)
conn.simple_bind_s('username', 'password')

# Search
base_dn = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'
filter = '(& (cn=john))'
attributes = ['cn', 'email']
result = conn.search_s(base_dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attributes)

# Print results
for dn, entry in result:
    cn = entry['cn'][0].decode('utf-8')
    email = entry['email'][0].decode('utf-8')
    print(f'CN: {cn}, Email: {email}')

# Unbind (Disconnect)

In the Python code, the ldap module is used to connect to the LDAP server, perform binding (authentication), search, handle results, and disconnect. The ldap.initialize function establishes a connection to the LDAP server, conn.simple_bind_s performs authentication, and conn.search_s is used for searching. The results are then processed and printed.

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