Combining Law and Tech: A Student's Path to the Digital World

Rofiat PopoolaRofiat Popoola
2 min read

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Hello there, it's Dorydecoder. I know you're probably here to listen to my rant on technology, law and other stuffs. Since you're here already, I might as well induct you into the dorfamily. Thanks for joining my dorfamily. I look forward to your engagement and commitment. Now, let's deep dive into the rant!

Embarking on a journey into the world of technology can be both exciting and challenging. As I continue to navigate my own path into tech, I'd like to share my experiences and insights with you.

Transitioning into technology is a step-by-step process. Step by step here reminds me of that period in high school where I learnt that Flowchart is a step-by-step process... I can't believe I still recall that though (chuckles).

Back to the discourse, I am a baby developer. I don't know much about tech-related stuffs. My basic knowledge of tech comes the ALX Software Engineering program.

The program was an enlightening one. Likewise, it was fun, exhilarating and tough. Although, it was shortlived. At some point, I found some parts too difficult which I could not cope with it, so I had to opt out. I still regret doing that but then I believe to every cloud there is a silver lining.

Back then when I "cowardly" opted out of the ALX program, I got an internship. A tech internship at that! It was a learning opportunity at a law firm that was advancing and encouraging law students to pursing an interest in tech.

Need I remind you that I am a law student by day and at night??? Yeah, I think I might have been reiterating that fact consistently that it seems so cliche.

So, I got the internship and I was availed the opportunity to learn more on emerging technologies like the Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, and most importantly Software Engineering. Why did I use the word, "most importantly"? That's because it was like, I was back to square one (if you get what I infer there).

The internship taught me a whole lot of new things and I can categorically say that I am a technology-informed individual. Hence, my decision to pursue a career in technology which I solemnly look forward to.

In concluding this rant, (I am not good with conclusions. I'd probably make a conclusion at the auxesis of my rant, lol), by embracing opportunities and learning from setbacks like I did, one can grow, hone and develop skills in this ever-evolving digital world.

See ya in the next post.


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Written by

Rofiat Popoola
Rofiat Popoola