Sandbox for learning Druid + Kafka

Objective today
What I want to do in this article is give you the tools you need to get started with Apache Druid + Apache Kafka so you can jump in and start learning how great these two are together.
By the end of this article I want you to be in a position to make use of a Druid+Kafka sandbox that you can start up and shut down within which you can do your learning.
What you are going to need
Not much. You're going to need to have docker installed wherever you want your sandbox to run. You can follow these instructions if, like me, you're using a mac.
You're going to need command line access to this enviroment. Well, that's pretty easy - right?
And you're going to need a mug of tea and of course a few biscuits. I would estimate this to be a two-biscuit-tutorial. I'll take you through the steps one biscuit at a time.
From the command line create yourself a new directory. Maybe call it something like test. Download these two files:
mkdir test
cp ~/Downloads/kd.yml test/
cp ~/Downloads/environment test/
cd test
Quick sip of tea.
Lets use docker to start druid and kafka up.
docker-compose -f kd.yml up -d
docker-compose -f kd.ymp ps
docker-compose -f kd.yml ps ✔ 3466 18:22:32
WARNING: Compose V1 is no longer supported and will be removed from Docker Desktop in an upcoming release. See
Name Command State Ports
broker / broker Up>8082/tcp
coordinator / coordinator Up>8081/tcp
historical1 / historical Up>8083/tcp
kafkabroker /etc/confluent/docker/run Up>9091/tcp, 9092/tcp,>9101/tcp
middlemanager1 / middleManager Up>8091/tcp,>8100/tcp,>8101/tcp,>8102/tcp,>8103/tcp,>8104/tcp,>8105/tcp
postgres postgres Up 5432/tcp
router / router Up>8888/tcp
zookeeper / zkSe ... Up>2181/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp, 8080/tcp
Proof of the pudding....
That's it. You're done - we have Apache Druid up and running, Apache Kafka is working, and they are both on the same network and able to talk to each other (we'll confirm this fact with more biscuits in later tutorials)
First lets show that Druid is working. Point your browser at http://localhost:8888
You should see the console above. It can take a few minutes for everything to start up so be patient.
Next lets check that Kafka is working. that's an easy command we can run:
docker exec kafkabroker kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9091 --list ✔ 3486 19:17:12
And there you go. Druids working. Kafkas running. Our work here is done!
What's next?
Next tutorial we'll make this environment a bit more useful. start to generate some data in Kafka, ingest it in druid, put some pretty visualisations on the top. Watch this space!
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