Editor, Compiler, Runtime, git, etc Setup guidelines for Beginners

4 min read

For Windows Users
Nodejs Setup
- ডাউনলোড nodejs
- After installing it open a new terminal and type
node -v
andnpm -v
to check if everything is working fine.
C/C++ Setup
- ডাউনলোড mingw compiler
- Follow the installation process from here
- After that go to
and copy the file path - Now open the environment variable and select
and clickedit
and thennew
and paste the file path that you copied earlier and clickok
and thenok
again. - Now open a new terminal and type
gcc --version
andg++ --version
to check if everything is working fine.
Python Setup
- ডাউনলোড python
- While installing check
Add Python 3.11 to PATH
and clickcustomize installation
and then select everything and clicknext
and then selectinstall for all users
and clicknext
and then clickinstall
and thenclose
. - Now open a new terminal and type
python --version
andpip --version
to check if everything is working fine.
Java Setup
- ডাউনলোড Java
- Create a folder where you will write all of your Java programs. After that copy the file path
- Open vscode and press
ctrl + shift + p
and typecreate java project
and select the first one. - Select
No build tools
and paste the file path that you copied earlier and then type your project name and press enter. Now you are ready to go. You can also select other options if you want likeMaven
Install git
- ডাউনলোড git
- While installing keep everything as it is and click
and all the way to the end and clickfinish
. - Open a new terminal and type
git --version
to check if everything is working fine. - Now set up your git with your GitHub account. Follow the steps
- type
git config --global user.name "your github username"
- type
git config --global user.email "your github email"
- type
git config --list
to check if everything is working fine.
- type
For Linux(dabian) Users
- run
sudo apt update
- run
sudo apt upgrade
- run
sudo apt autoremove
- ডাউনলোড vscode
- Install vscode
sudo dpkg -i code_1.82.1-1694163687_amd64.deb
- Install git
sudo apt install git
Nodejs Setup
- Install nodejs
sudo apt install nodejs
- Install npm
sudo apt install npm
- Version check
node -v
- Version check
npm -v
- Install n
sudo npm install -g n
- Install latest nodejs
sudo n 18.17.1
- Version check
node -v
C/C++ Setup
- Install gcc compiler
sudo apt install gcc
- Install g++ compiler
sudo apt install g++
- Version check
gcc --version
- Version check
g++ --version
Python Setup
- Install python
sudo apt install python3
- Install python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-pip
- Version check
python3 --version
- Version check
pip3 --version
Java Setup
- Install Java JRE
sudo apt install default-jre
- Install Java JDK
sudo apt install default-jdk
- Setting Java environment variable
sudo update-alternatives --config java
- Set Java Home
sudo nano /etc/environment
- Add
- Apply changes
source /etc/environment
- Verify Java Home
- Version check
java -version
Install git
- Install git
sudo apt install git
- Version check
git --version
- Setup git
git config --global user.name "your github username"
- Setup git
git config --global user.email "your github email"
- Verify git
git config --list
Mostly used vscode extensions
- C/C++ - for Visual Studio Code
- Code Runner - for run code
- Java Extension Pack - for Java
- Python - for Visual Studio Code
- vscode-icons - for icons
- GitLens - Git supercharged
- Live Server - for live server
- Live Share - for collaboration
- Material Icon Theme - for icons
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Quokka.js - for JavaScript
- Auto Import - for JavaScript
- Auto Rename Tag - for HTML
- Code Spell Checker - for spell check
- Competitive Programming Helper - for Competitive Programming
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets - for React
- Markdown Preview Enhanced - for Markdown
- Path Intellisense - for Path
- Rest Client - for API
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense - for Tailwind CSS
- Thunder Client - for API
এই গাইডলাইনটা আমি নিজে ব্যবহার করছি। আশা করি আপনাদেরও কাজে লাগবে। ধন্যবাদ। Happy Coding
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Written by

Md. Maruf Sarker
Md. Maruf Sarker
Self Learner, Content Creator, Competitive Programmer, and Social Media Manager.