Division and Multiplication in Assembly Language (MIPS32 ISA)

You can use Cpulator (Online Simulator) to execute this code.
Remember to set the stack pointer beforehand, otherwise, it might throw you an 'overflow' error. The stack pointer is typically initialized to the highest address in the data segment.
li   $sp, 0x7ffffffc    # Setting the stack to highest stack address


First, we'll attempt to include this C logic in the MIPS assembly program for the Multiplication.

Multiply(a, b) {
    int res = 0
    for(int i=0;i<b;i++) res += a

This is a simple program that can be implemented in MIPS32.

We are using procedures (Functions) for Division and Multiplication

Here is the code for Multiplication (MIPS32 ISA)

    # While (idx < b) result += A

    add $sp, $sp, -16                # Allocating Stack Memory
    sw  $s3, 12($sp)                # Storing register values
    sw  $s2,  8($sp)
    sw  $s1,  4($sp)
    sw  $s0,  0($sp)

    add  $s0, $zero, $zero            # Result = 0
    addi $s1, $zero, 0                # idx (t0) = 0
    add  $s2, $zero, $a0            # s2 = A
    add  $s3, $zero, $a1            # s3 = B
    beq  $s3, $s1, EXIT_MULTIPLY    # if (idx == b) Break
    add  $s0, $s0, $s2                # result += A
    addi $s1, $s1, 1                # idx++
    add $v0, $zero, $s0                # v0 = Result

    lw  $s3, 12($sp)                # restoring register values
    lw  $s2,  8($sp)
    lw  $s1,  4($sp)
    lw  $s0,  0($sp)

    add $sp, $sp, 16                # restoring stack pointer
    jr   $ra


First, we'll attempt to include this C logic in the MIPS assembly program for the Division.

division(a, b) {
    int res = 0;
    while(a >= b){
        a -= b;
        res += 1;

    return res;

Here is the code for Division (MIPS32 ISA)

    # While (A >= B) A -= B; result++
    add  $sp, $sp, -12                # Allocating Stack Memory
    sw   $s2, 8($sp)                # Storing register values
    sw   $s1, 4($sp)                
    sw   $s0, 0($sp)

    addi $s0, $zero, 0                # result (s0) = 0
    add  $s1, $zero, $a0            # s1 = A
    add  $s2, $zero, $a1            # s2 = B
    blt  $s1, $s2, EXIT_DIV            # If (A < B) break
    sub  $s1, $s1, $s2                # A -= B
    addi $s0, $s0, 1                # result++
    j DIV_LOOP
    add $v0, $zero, $s0                # v0 = result

    lw   $s2, 8($sp)                # restoring register values
    lw   $s1, 4($sp)                
    lw   $s0, 0($sp)
    addi $sp, $sp, 12                # restoring stack pointer

    jr $ra


In this article, you have learned to implement division and multiplication in Mips32 ISA

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Written by

Tanvir Ahmed Khan
Tanvir Ahmed Khan

Undergraduate Student from Bangladesh