My experience with the CADP program by JP Morgan Chase & Co. on Forage

Ibukun AwopetuIbukun Awopetu
4 min read

What is it like working at a leading multinational investment bank? If your curiosity has led you here, join me as I recount my experience in the Corporate Analyst Development Virtual Experience Program, presented by J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. via the Forage platform. Before going into detail, I will provide a brief overview of this program.

This program offers a virtual experience of the day-to-day responsibilities of a full-time CADP (Corporate Analyst Development Program) analyst. Comprising five modules, it offers an opportunity to practice essential skills using critical tools crucial for excelling in the three different CADP rotations and any role at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

The Corporate Analyst Development Program (CADP) at JPMorgan Chase & Co. gives participants the unique opportunity to develop technical, analytical, and project management skills in different roles.

The CADP virtual program comprises the following modules:

  1. Data Analysis and Basic Visualization in Excel

  2. Data Visualization Dashboard

  3. Process Mapping and Improvement

  4. Storytelling with PowerPoint

  5. Project Update Video

Task One: Data Analysis and Simple Visualization in Excel

For the first task, I was to identify high-potential sales prospects from the home mortgage dataset provided. Subsequently, I was required to create a PowerPoint presentation to communicate my findings and document my observations about the data.

A section of the dataset

A section of the dataset.

I carried out a few checks to ensure the data was ready for analysis. I checked for duplicates and missing/null values and removed them where I felt necessary. After carrying out the checks, I went on to carry out my analysis of the data.

I used two different methods to analyze the data, each used as I deemed fit. I manually filtered and counted the data and charted it using a new table containing those values, and I also made use of a pivot table and chart to group the data and plot the charts.

After completing the analysis and visualization, I created a PowerPoint presentation to communicate my findings. I included the charts I created in Excel and a summary of my findings and observations of the data, some of which are shown below :

Task Two: Data Visualization Dashboard

For the second task, I was to construct a simple dashboard showing my analysis of the sales prospects identified in task 1. It was just my second time using Tableau, so it proved to be quite a task at first, so I had to take a short tutorial on using Tableau. Eventually, it proved to be much easier than I thought it was. Below is a sample of what I created:

Task Three: Process Mapping and Improvement

For the third task, I was to draw a one-page process map for a simple version of a mortgage loan underwriting and origination process and afterward, consider opportunities for improving the process to enhance shareholder value and client experience. Listed below are the steps required to be converted into a process map:

I made use of the UML (Unified Modeling Language) standards for process map symbols (i.e. a diamond for a decision point, a rectangle for a process step, etc.) to design my process map on PowerPoint. Below is how the final process map looked like:

I also identified some process improvement opportunities as seen below:

Task Four: Storytelling with PowerPoint

For the fourth task, I communicated key ideas and talking points about one of the opportunities for process improvement I identified in task three, using a PowerPoint presentation. I titled my presentation "Digital Innovation in Mortgage Origination". I highlighted how automation would help in the mortgage origination process, and how it could lead to shorter turnaround times and lower operational costs.

I went into detail on how the mortgage origination process entails complex and time-consuming procedures that are error-prone and are also known to have lengthy approval times which could be frustrating. Then I explained how utilizing automation and digitization can enhance the mortgage origination process, improve accuracy and ensure faster turnaround times. I also cited some data to make my presentation informative. Below is the summary of my presentation :

Task Five: Project Update Video

For the last task, I was to record and submit a short video message, acting as a team leader, to update my project stakeholders on our ongoing project. I ensured the video was concise and straight to the point.

The CADP virtual program allowed me to put the following skills to practical use :

  • Data Analysis

  • Data Visualization

  • Presentation Design

  • Process Mapping and Improvement

  • Verbal Communication

It was a great experience partaking in this program and it gave me a better idea of the kind of work CADP analysts do. If you want to find out more about the program, you can check it out here on Forage.

Thank you for reading this article until the end. I hope you enjoyed reading it and found it useful.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn, you can find me at Ibukun Awopetu.


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Ibukun Awopetu
Ibukun Awopetu