Save time coding by learning touchtyping

If you are serious about coding then I would also recommend that you learn touch typing. The reason for this is because you're going to spend countless hours in front of the computer typing so why not take some of that time to learn how to type faster?
The first step to typing faster is to learn how to type with all or at least most of your fingers. If you find it difficult at first then don't worry, you can use a free website like typingclub to get the basics down. When you feel comfortable typing with most of your fingers you are ready to move on to the next step.
Step 2 is to start practicing and I can recommend 2 websites for this. The first one is typeracer where you compete in typing short stories against others to see who is the fastest typist. The second website I recommend is Monkeytype. This website will not only track your typing speed but also has a lot of customizable features and you can even change your language to a programming language like javascript to make your training more realistic to the actual code that you're going to be programming with.
Just remember to keep practising and you will soon see results. Good luck!
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