My week 1 and week 2 Web development journey

Good evening everyone, I would like to share with you what I have learnt so far in my web development journey, initially I was just a beginner but after the past two weeks I have improved a lot, I have learnt that web development has three basic components, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I have learnt more about HTML because that has been the focus, I have learnt that HTML is the structure of the website, CSS is about styling and JavaScript deals with interactivity of the website.
I have learnt about different text editors such as atom, brackets, sublime text and visual studio code, personally I prefer brackets. I now have a deep understanding on the basic HTML structure, starting from the declaration to the html tag to the head tag which is where we put all the background information of our site and to the body tag which is where you key in everything that you want the displayed in the body of the web page.
I also learnt about different tags used in HTML which include self enclosing tag that does not require a closing tag examples meta tags and break tag, other HTML tags I learned about include anchor tags which is used to add links to a text, paragraph tag, the heading tag, comment tag, cite tag among others. I have also come to understand how to code with various tags and how to link an image into your HTML text.
It has been a wonderful experience so far and I hope to keep improving in the world of web development, I will like to thank Techiesandgrowth , Gloria Ifeoma Madubueze and all my TaG group members for this wonderful opportunity, God bless you all.
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