Lesson learnt from week 1 to week 2

In the first week, we mostly learnt about the basics of "HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language" and it being the basic building block of any website.
A website comprises of three "ingredients" namely:
1. html - structure
2. css - styling
3.javascript - interactivity
A html file contain elements which are written with the use of tags. Most tags have both opening and closing tags e.g. <p></p> for the paragraph tag, while some only have opening tag e.g. <br> for breaking lines.
Attributes can be added to a tag to show more information about an element e.g. <p style="color: blue;">
In the second week, we learnt how to attach css files to our html code using the .css file extension.
We also learnt about block level and in-line level elements: block level elements covering the whole width of the page while in-line level elements covering only the space they use.
We learnt how to use the span tag to select a group of words to be edited and how to add comments in our work to help explain our code (among other things).
We were introduced to certain formatting tags like:
1. <abbr> for abbrieviation
2. <address> for address
3. <cite> for title of a work
4. <mark> to highlight
5. <ins> to insert a text
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