My Html Journey Week 1 And Week 2

Table of contents
WEEK 1 with TAG
In week 1, the first lesson introduced HTML, describing it as a markup language used to structure web pages and defining its uses.
I also learned the correct syntax for writing HTML elements, some opening tags and closing tags, and self-closing tags.
Some of the tags are listed below:
<body>- defines the main content area of an HTML document. Whatever text you are seeing here is wrapped in a body tag
<title>- contains the meta, link, and title tags and provides instructions to the browser.
<head>- is used to define the title of the web page, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab. Guess the title of this page...
<meta>- is used to provide metadata about the HTML document like the language it is written in, setting for viewport for responsive web design, etc.
WEEK 2 with TAG
In week 2, I had a feel of styling a page with CSS😊.
CSS tampers with colors, fonts, and more of webpages and generally makes webpages attractive. CSS can be linked internally or externally.
I was introduced to more HTML tags like <p> and the heading tags( <h1>, <h2>, <h3>.....<h6>). Some HTML elements are inline or block. Inline elements start on a new line and extend to the full width of their parent container and block elements flow with the contents of the page. Below are some examples of inline and block elements
Block Elements
<div>- A generic container used for grouping and styling content.
<p>- represents a paragraph of text.
<h1>, <h2>....<h6>(The heading tags)- Headings of different levels.
<ul>- Unordered list, used for creating bullet-point lists.
Inline Elements
<a>- used for creating hyperlinks to other web pages or resources.
<span>- is an inline container used for styling.
<br>- used to break a line
<i>- used to italicize text
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