Day 2 of the Bash Scripting Challenge! ๐Ÿš€

sutish pradhansutish pradhan
2 min read

Welcome to Day 2 of the #TWSBashBlaze Challenge. In this challenge, we will create a bash script that serves as an interactive file and directory explorer. We'll create a script that will allow you to explore the files and directories in the current path and also provide a character-counting feature for the user's input.

Part 1: File and Directory Exploration

  1. In this task, we are going to create a bash script which will display a welcome message and list all the files and directories in the current path upon execution.

  2. For each file and directory, the script will print its name and size in human-readable format (e.g., KB, MB, GB). This information will be obtained using the ls command with appropriate options.

  3. The list of files and directories will be displayed in a loop until the user decides to exit the explorer.

Part 2: Character Counting

  1. After displaying the file and directory list, the script will prompt the user to enter a line of text.

  2. The script will read the user's input until an empty string is entered (i.e., the user presses Enter without any text).

  3. For each line of text entered by the user, the script will count the number of characters in that line.

  4. The character count for each line entered by the user will be displayed.


# Part 1: File and Directory Exploration
echo "Welcome to the Interactive File and Directory Explorer!"

while true; do
    # List all files and directories in the current path
    echo "Files and Directories in the Current Path:"
    ls -lh

    # Part 2: Character Counting
    read -p "Enter a line of text (Press Enter without text to exit): " input

    # Exit if the user enters an empty string
    if [ -z "$input" ]; then
        echo "Exiting the Interactive Explorer. Goodbye!"

    # Calculate and print the character count for the input line
    char_count=$(echo -n "$input" | wc -m)
    echo "Character Count: $char_count"

Output Screen:

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sutish pradhan
sutish pradhan

Hey there! I am Sutish I am a Devops engineer, started writing articles on my DevOps and cloud journey. My purpose is to share the concepts that I learn, the projects that I build, and the tasks that I perform regarding DevOps. Hope you all find it useful.