Understanding Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift

Jason BarkerJason Barker
4 min read

Part 1: Introducing Protocol-Oriented Programming

In the world of software development, programming languages have evolved to become more flexible and efficient. Swift, Apple's powerful and intuitive programming language, has embraced a paradigm known as "Protocol-Oriented Programming" (POP). In this two-part blog series, we'll delve into the purposes and benefits of protocol-oriented programming in Swift, with real-world examples illustrating the advantages of this approach over the more traditional object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm.

The Purpose of Protocol-Oriented Programming

Protocol-Oriented Programming (POP) is a programming paradigm that places a strong emphasis on defining and implementing protocols, which are essentially a blueprint for methods, properties, and other requirements. In Swift, protocols are similar to interfaces in other languages, providing a contract that types can adhere to. Unlike OOP, which relies heavily on classes and inheritance, POP encourages developers to create small, composable protocols that can be adopted by various types, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

Benefits of POP

  1. Composition over Inheritance: In OOP, inheritance is a key concept. However, it can lead to tightly coupled classes and complex class hierarchies, making it challenging to maintain and extend code. POP, on the other hand, promotes composition. You create protocols that define specific behaviors and then compose types by adopting those protocols. This approach allows for more flexible and modular code.

  2. Code Reusability: With POP, you can easily reuse code across different types by conforming to protocols. This is particularly valuable in situations where you need to share functionality among unrelated types. Reusing protocol implementations reduces redundancy and makes your codebase more efficient.

  3. Flexibility and Testability: Protocols provide a clear separation of concerns, making it easier to write unit tests. You can create mock objects or stubs for testing, ensuring that your code functions as expected. This separation enhances the testability and maintainability of your code.

  4. Protocol Extensions: Swift allows you to extend protocols with default implementations for methods and properties. This feature simplifies the adoption of a protocol by providing default behavior. Types can then choose to override these defaults as needed, reducing boilerplate code.

Real-World Example: Networking in Swift

Let's explore a real-world example to illustrate the benefits of protocol-oriented programming. Consider a common scenario where you need to make network requests. In an object-oriented approach, you might create a base networking class and then subclass it for specific functionalities. Here's an OOP example:

class BaseNetworkService {
    func sendRequest(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) {
        // Common networking code
        // ...

class WeatherService: BaseNetworkService {
    func fetchWeather(for location: String, completion: @escaping (Weather?, Error?) -> Void) {
        // Weather-specific code
        // ...

class StockService: BaseNetworkService {
    func fetchStockPrice(for symbol: String, completion: @escaping (StockPrice?, Error?) -> Void) {
        // Stock-specific code
        // ...

In this OOP example, we create a base networking service and subclass it for different types of requests, such as weather and stock data. While this works, it can lead to a complex class hierarchy as the codebase grows. Additionally, it may be challenging to reuse networking functionality in unrelated parts of your application.

Now, let's reimagine this using protocol-oriented programming:

protocol NetworkService<T> {
  associatedtype T: Decodable
  func sendRequest(url: URL) async throws -> T

extension NetworkService {
  func sendRequest(url: URL) async throws -> T {
    // Common networking code
    // ...

enum NetworkServiceError: Error {
  case InvalidURL

struct Weather: Decodable {
  var forecast: String

struct WeatherService: NetworkService {
  func fetchWeather(for location: String) async throws -> Weather {
    guard let url = URL(string: "https://weather.service/\(location)") else {
      throw NetworkServiceError.InvalidURL
    return try await sendRequest(url: url)

  func sendRequest(url: URL) async throws -> Weather {
    // Weather-specific code
    // ...

struct StockPrice: Decodable {
  var stockPrice: Double

struct StockService: NetworkService {
  func fetchStockPrice(for symbol: String) async throws -> StockPrice {
    guard let url = URL(string: "https://stock.service/\(symbol)") else {
      throw NetworkServiceError.InvalidURL
    return try await sendRequest(url: url)

  func sendRequest(url: URL) async throws -> StockPrice {
    // Stock price-specific code
    // ...

In this POP example, we define a NetworkService protocol that encapsulates the common networking behavior. Types like WeatherService and StockService then adopt this protocol to gain the necessary network functionality. This approach promotes code reusability, separation of concerns, and flexibility. You can easily use the NetworkService protocol in other parts of your application without creating a complex inheritance hierarchy.

In Part 2 of this series, we will continue exploring protocol-oriented programming in Swift, focusing on more advanced concepts and providing additional real-world examples to highlight the benefits of this paradigm.

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Written by

Jason Barker
Jason Barker