Hello Hashnode First Blog Post

Hello hashnode, first blog post here on this new platform. I am a UI developer, Designer and Aspiring Game Dev. Curious about learning, VR, Startups and Web Dev.

Blog on Hashnode

I have been looking for a blog host after Wordpress.com changed its pricing and have shut down my own personal hosted blog in 2018. I also gave social media a pause for a long while as it was hard to keep up with trends.

This year I have been trying various platforms such as medium, squarespace and ghost. but have mostly blogged on Ghost lately. The closest platform to read other developer blogs has only been dev.to, and only learned of hashnode after seeing another post about it.

I see that hashnode is a mix of social blogs, plus allowing customisation without the full Ghost or Wordpress install and its has a free plan.

Planning to use the blog as a way to document my dev journey and learnings. I have been a web developer and aspiring game developer / artist since changing jobs in 2019.

Currently learning about Game Dev and Web Dev

At the moment I am learning React, Node, Unity C#. My day job is working in Web Dev and have been in for about 4 years in starting as a UI designer then delved into learning react and C#.

I do write updates on Game dev related things on my other Blog : CG BOSS Blog (Ghost) and in the future my learnings in Unity C# Projects

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Written by

Teh Weiqing, William
Teh Weiqing, William

Gundam Pilot Wannabe. Making a Game, Solo Dev. A Designer + Coder for Web Development and Digital Products. Curious Learner on Business, AI Development and Game Dev. Recovering Concept Artist illustrator.