Control Flow in Python: Conditional Statements and Loops

In programming, control flow stands as the fundamental mechanism that governs the sequence in which instructions are executed within a program. It dictates the path a program takes, allowing it to make decisions, repeat tasks, and respond to user input.
Think of programing as instruction given to the computer and control flow as the roadmap that guides the execution of those instructions.
Python provides a rich set of features for controlling the flow of your program. From conditional statements and loops to control flow keywords and exception handling, the control flow mechanisms offer flexibility and readability.
In this blog post, we will delve into these features, exploring how they work and when to use them in your code.
Conditional Statements
Conditional statements are a way to make decision in your code based on whether the given condition is true or false.
Handling simple conditions
The most basic conditional statement is the if
if condition:
# peform this task
If the condition is true, then the given task, within the indented code block, is performed.
An else
statement is added so that when the if
condition is false then indented block under it is skipped and a different task can be performed. Let us see how that syntax would be written:
if condition:
# perform this task
# perform this task instead
Let us visually see how to use the if else statement with a simple example:
# Check if number is divisible by 5
num = 25
if num % 5 == 0:
print("Number is divisible by 5")
print("Number is not divisible by 5")
The example above simple checks if a number is divisible by 5. We first initialize a variable num
and assign it the value 25.
Our if
condition checks if num is divisible by 5 using the modulus (%) operator. If the statement is true, then Number is divisible by 5
should be printed. In this case since 25 is divisible by 5 then our output will indeed be Number is divisible by 5.
If the value of our variable num
was 13 then we would get Number is not divisible by 5
Handling multiple conditions
There are two ways that I will talk about when handling multiple conditions within your code. The first is by using multiple if
statements while the second is using elif
(short for else if).
Using multiple if
t = int(input("Give t a number "))
k = int(input("Give k a number "))
if t > k:
print("t is greater than k")
if t < k:
print("t is less than k")
if t == k:
print("t is equal to k")
In the above example we prompt the user to provide a number for t
and k
we convert the users input to an integer using
always gives a string.
After this, the computer will look at the first if
statement and check if it is true or false. It then checks the second if
statement, the third and so on, depending on how many conditions you have, even though the previous condition maybes true.
This will give you the same results, but it is not really effective because of the unnecessary evaluation which may impact performance.
Before looking at some examples here is the syntax for using elif
if condition A:
# perform this task
elif condition B:
# perform this task instead
# do this instead
In the above syntax, both condition A and B are Boolean expressions (true or false). If condition A is false, then the interpreter skips that task and checks the elif
block. If condition B is true then the task in the elif
indented block is performed.
If condition B is false, then it means all the conditions are false and the else block is executed.
t = int(input("Give t a number "))
k = int(input("Give k a number "))
if t > k:
print("t is greater than k")
elif t < k:
print("t is less than k")
elif t == k:
print("t is equal to k")
With the elif
, the computer first checks if the if condition (t > k) is true or false. If it is true, then the following elif
statements will not be evaluated. If the condition is false then the first elif
condition is evaluated, if it is true then the task under it is performed and the second elif
condition is not evaluated and so on. This makes it more effective.
Loops in Python allow you to repeatedly execute a block of code, making it easier to perform repetitive tasks and iterate over data structures.
There are two loops that python uses: the for
and while
We use the for
loop to iterate over a sequence, could be a list, tuple or string. This executes the same block of code for each item in the sequence.
for variable in sequence:
# perform this task
Variable -> This is a temporally variable that holds each element of the sequence.
Sequence -> This is whatever we are iterating over. Could be a list, tuple etc
Let us look at an example:
animals = ["Lion", "Elephant", "Whale", "Cat"]
for animal in animals:
print(animal, "is an animal")
Lion is an animal
Elephant is an animal
Whale is an animal
Cat is an animal
In the above example, we have a list of animal names. The loop goes through the animals
list as it prints the animal together with the statement is an animal
In contrast to the predetermined iterations of a for
loop, the while
loop focuses on continuous execution of a code block as long as a specific condition remains true. This makes it ideal for situations where the number of iterations is unknown beforehand or depends on external factors.
while condition:
# Execute this task
Once the condition becomes false then the loop is terminated or rather we exit the loop.
Let's look at an example:
count = 0
while count < 3:
print("I love Python")
count = count + 1
In this example, we initialize a variable count
and give it a value of 0. The interpreter looks at the while condition to check if count
, whose value is 0, is less than 3. In this case 0 is indeed less than 3 so I love Python
is printed and our count is incremented by 1.
The interpreter will go through the loop again with the value of our count
now being 1 instead of 0. It checks the loops condition and 1 is indeed less than 3 so it will print I love Python
and increment our count
value by 1 making it 2. It goes through the loop again checking if 2 is less than 3. The condition is true so I love Python
will be printed and count
now becomes 3.
The interpreter checks the condition again, is 3 less than 3? No! So, the condition becomes false, and we break out of the loop. This becomes our output:
I love Python
I love Python
I love Python
The match statement
The match
statement is used to utilize patterns to match an expression with a value.
match expresion:
case pattern A:
# If pattern A matches execute this code
case pattern B:
# If pattern A matches execute this code
case ...:
# ...
case _:
# If no patterns matches, execute this code
It takes the expression (what we are evaluating) and compares its value to the patterns provided withing the case. If the value matches the pattern, then the code withing the case indented block is executed.
Check this example:
instrument = input("What instrument do you like to play? ")
match instrument:
case "piano":
print("I love playing piano")
case "violin":
print("I love playing violin")
case "drums":
print("I love playing drums")
case "cello":
print("I love playing cello")
case -:
print("What's that?")
In the above example, we prompt the user to type what instrument they like to play. If the users input matches any of the case, then whatever is under the indented matched case is printed.
What instrument do you like to play? piano
I love playing piano
Please note that the match statement may not work with some versions since it was introduced in python 3.q0
Using break
and continue
If you want to exit a loop prematurely then the break
statement comes in handy. When a break
statement is encountered within the loop, it immediately terminates the loop, and the program goes to the next statement after the loop.
for t in range(7):
if t == 4:
This code will print 0 to 3. When t is equal to 4, the break
statement terminates the program.
The continue
statement skips specific iterations when certain conditions are met.
for t in range(7:
if t == 4:
This code prints 0 to 6 but skips 4 when t is equal to 4 because of the continue
In conclusion, control flow is a fundamental aspect of programming that dictates the order in which instructions are executed
Whether it's handling multiple conditions or iterating over sequences, mastering control flow empowers programmers to create efficient, and logically structured code. As you continue your programming journey, exploring these control flow concepts and incorporating them into your coding will undoubtedly contribute to your growth as a Python developer.
Happy coding!
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Tk Codes
Tk Codes
Hey there, I'm Tracey – a passionate learner who's diving headfirst into the world of programming. As a recent enthusiast in this captivating realm, I've embarked on a thrilling journey of discovery and growth. Why do I write? Well, it's simple: I believe in the power of sharing. By putting my learning experiences into words, I not only solidify my understanding but also aim to provide a helping hand to fellow learners. Join me as I navigate the exciting seas of programming, one keystroke at a time. Let's learn out loud together!