Day 13 - Docker Advanced

Project: node-todo-cicd
mkdir node-app
git clone
vim Dockerfile
# Base Image with Node js
FROM node:12.2.0-alpine
# Working directory with all the code files
# Copy code form src to dest
COPY . .
# Install the packages
RUN npm install
# Application is ready
# Run the container with arguments
CMD ["node","app.js"]
docker build -t node-app .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 node-app:latest
EC2-instance port 8000 should be allowed.
Search on Browser "EC2 instance Public IP-" It will be Run.
Docker Push
"Docker push" is a command used to upload Docker images from your local machine to a container registry, making them accessible for deployment on other systems or by other users.
docker images
docker login
docker tag java-app:latest mayurbarange/java-app:latest
docker images
docker push mayurbarange/java-app:latest
docker system prune
--> To remove unused resources like stopped containers, dangling images, and networks to free up disk space and clean up the Docker environment.docker images
docker rmi db6dd1638e3e
Docker Pull/Run
"Docker pull" is a command used to download Docker images from a registry(Docker Hub) to the local machine, making them available for creating containers.
docker run mayurbarange/java-app:latest
Docker Volume
"Docker Volume" is a feature used to persist and manage data separately from containers, ensuring data durability and enabling sharing of data between containers or with the host machine.
Project: django-todo-cicd
cd projects/
git clone
cd django-todo-cicd/
docker build -t django-todo-app .
Intermediate Layer
"Intermediate layers" in a Dockerfile represent individual steps or instructions, forming the incremental stages used during image creation before being combined into the final image layer.
docker build -t django-todo-app .
vim dockerfile
--> Let's say I have changed line number 4 in Dockerfile.
docker build -t django-todo-app .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 django-todo-app:latest
EC2-instance port 8000 should be allowed.
Search on Browser "EC2 instance Public IP-" It will be Run.
How to change or rename docker image name?
docker images
docker tag django-todo-app:latest django-todo-app1:latest
docker images
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 django-todo-app:latest
How to create Docker volume?
mkdir volumes
cd volumes/
mkdir django-app
cd django-app/
cd ..
cd ..
cd django-todo-cicd/
docker volume create --name django-todo-volume --opt type=none
--opt device=/home/ubuntu/projects/volumes/django-app --opt o=bind
--> [opt-options]docker volume ls
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --mount source=django-todo-volume,target=/data django-todo-app:latest
--> This command runs a Docker container (-d) based on the image "django-todo-app:latest," connecting the container's "/data" directory to the previously created volume "django-todo-volume," and maps the container's port 8000 to the host's port 8000 (-p).cd ..
cd volumes/
cd django-app/
- Added "docker Hackathon, Docker compose, Docker multi-stage, Mayur Barange" into the public IP-
docker ps
docker kill 68a33aca9507
docker rm 68a33aca9507
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --mount source=django-todo-volume,target=/data django-todo-app:latest
- Search on Browser "EC2 instance Public IP-" It will be Run.
- After killing container and running container, whatever I have entered data remains there stored.
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Written by

Mayur Barange
Mayur Barange
As a DevOps maestro, I orchestrate the seamless synergy between development and operations, crafting a symphony of efficiency in the digital realm. Armed with a toolkit that includes Jenkins, Git, and Docker, I navigate the continuous integration and deployment landscape with finesse. From code inception to its triumphant deployment on production servers, I am the architect of a well-automated and smoothly-scaled software lifecycle. With a passion for containerization and configuration management, I transform challenges into opportunities, ensuring that every line of code finds its perfect performance note. In the world of DevOps, I am the conductor, harmonizing innovation and reliability to create a technological masterpiece. ๐โจ