ZERO-Day Exploits and Automations

Awais SajidAwais Sajid
2 min read

0-Day exploits

How to automate hacking using the cloud and Telegram

Step 1: We are not using any paid services for this automation.

Step 2: We use Google Cloud Shell to open a terminal.

Step 3: Get a list of your targets from different hacking programs.

Step 4: Install the following tools from GitHub:

  • httpx

  • subfinder

  • notify

  • anew

  • nuclei

Step 5: In Telegram, search for BotFather and create a new bot. Then, search for @getidsbot and copy the bot API key and chat ID.

Step 6: Create a file called config.yaml with the following contents:

  - id: "bugs"
    telegram_api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
    telegram_chat_id: "YOUR_CHAT_ID"
    telegram_format: "{{data}}"
    telegram_parsemode: "Markdown"

Step 7: Write a bash script called

while true;
do subfinder -silent -dL domains.txt -all | anew subdomains2.txt | notify -pc ./config.yaml;
sleep 10800;

Note: Create these files on the cloud using a terminal.

Step 8: Every 8 hours, run the following command to launch your bash script:


Step 9: Run the following command to find subdomains:

htttpx -l subdomains2.txt -o httpsub.txt

Step 10: Create private nuclei templates or use built in.

Step 11: Create a file called with the following contents:

while true;
do nuclei -l httpsub.txt  -t Nuclei-Templates | anew fuzzresultnuclei9.txt | notify -pc ./config.yaml;
sleep 3600;

Step 12: You can create similar scripts for different tools and run them once you get something new. You will be notified on your Telegram bot report faster, with no duplicates.

Thanks for your support!

Thanks to THE BBH for making this video and sharing this knowledge with us. You can see the video on the below link.

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Written by

Awais Sajid
Awais Sajid

As a Cybersecurity student passionate about Hacking and Blockchain security, I strive to develop innovative solutions to protect against emerging threats.