Next.js: How to validate forms on the server side using Zod

In the fast-paced world of web development, form validation is a crucial aspect to ensure that the data submitted by users is accurate and secure.
Next.js, a leading React framework, offers a solid foundation for server-rendered applications.
In this guide, we’ll explore how to implement server-side form validation using Zod, a powerful TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.
Now, Let’s get started! 🎯
A Next.js project set up.
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Form.
Also, I have used Tailwind CSS to style the form. so, it would be easy if you had a basic idea about it.
Table of contents
Why Form Validation Matters?
Setting up a Next.js Project
Installing Zod
Building a Form Component
Adding Basic Zod Validation
Displaying Validation Errors
Validate and Refine Errors
Show Errors
Show Success popup
Why Form Validation Matters?
Forms are crucial for web apps, enabling user interaction and data submission. Yet, user-entered data isn't always trustworthy.
Client-side validation offers instant feedback but exposes your app to potential security threats.
Server-side validation safeguards against malicious or erroneous data, strengthening your app's security.
Implementing server-side form validation adds an extra layer of security to your application. It includes robust validation and responsive UI with dynamic error messages for real-time feedback, ensuring an intuitive user experience.
Additionally, a success popup acknowledges successful form submissions, enhancing user confidence and overall experience.
So, If you're eager to enhance your Next.js projects with robust form validation on the server side, Check out our comprehensive guide on Canopas Blog.
Let’s discover how this powerful combination can streamline your development process and ensure data integrity.
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