Day 6 . Shell Scripting Real-Time Scenarios
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Write a shell script function to find and kill all the zombie processes. when a zombie is detected a log message is generated and sent to a log directory for when the kill is successful and not successful.
#You can create a sample zombie process using below command #(A=$BASHPID && ( kill -STOP $A )) killzombie() { #List PID of all zombie process for childid in $(ps aux | awk '$8 ~ /^[Zz]/' | awk '{print $2}') do #get parent procesid from child process parentid=$(ps -o ppid= -p $childid | awk '{print $1}') #Send Kill SIGCHLD signal to parent process echo "Sending signal to parent process to kill all zombie process" kill -s SIGCHLD $parentid #Identify process is still not killed if [[ $(ps -p $childid | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}') -ge 0 ]] then #kill parent process echo "Kill parent process" kill -9 $parentid logger "Kill successfull $parentid" fi done } #call function to kill processes killzombie
Write a shell script to automate the process of creating new user accounts on a Linux server and setting up their permissions and SSH access.
#!/bin/bash #Create new user account createUser() { userName=$1 if id $userName then echo "User $userName already exists" exit 1 fi #Create user useradd -m $userName #Set password from user echo "Setting password for user $userName" passwd $userName #Add users to sudoers usermod -aG sudo $userName echo "User $userName is added to sudoers" #enable ssh access enableSSHAccess $userName } enableSSHAccess() { userName=$1 sshDir="/home/$userName/.ssh/" authkeyFile="$sshDir/authorized_keys" #Create ssh directory if not exist if [ ! -d $sshDir ]; then mkdir $sshDir #create ssh directory chmod 770 $sshDir #read permission for directory fi #read authorised keys from user echo "Enter public key for $userName:" read -r publicKey #write public key to authorised keys echo $publicKey >> $authkeyFile chmod 070 $authkeyFile #set ownership for ssh directory chown -R $userName $sshDir echo "SSH access enabled for $userName" } # Prompt for the username echo "Enter the username for the new user:" read -r userName # Call create user function createUser $userName
Shell script that displays the number of failed login attempts by IP address and location.
#!/bin/bash #log file logFile="/var/log/secure" #Get failed login ip addressess ipAddresses=$(cat $logFile | grep sshd | grep -v invalid | awk '{ print $11; }') #Get location of ip address getLocation() { ip=$1 location=$(geoiplookup $ip | awk -F ', ' '{ print $2 }') if [[ $location == *": "* ]] then location="${location#*: }" fi echo $location } #display all ip address for ip in $ipAddresses do noOfFailedAttempt=$(grep -c $ip $logFile) location=$(getLocation $ip) echo "Ip address=$ip, Location=$location, Failed attempt=$noOfFailedAttempt" done
Shell script to Copy files recursively to remote hosts.
#!/bin/bash hosts=("ec2-user@" "ec2-user@") # replace host with your hosts for host in "${hosts[@]}" do set timeout -1 #set timeout to copy all files scp -i linux.pem -r files $host:/home/ec2-user #copy all files recursively to remote host sleep 1 echo "Files copied to $host" done
Write a shell script to the list of users logged in by date and write it to an output file.
#!/bin/bash #output file outputFile="loggedinusers.txt" checkLoggedInUsers() { date=$1 who -v d="$date" | awk '{print $3" "$1}' | sort | uniq >> $outputFile } #Enter date echo "Enter date in format: YYYY-MM-DD" read date checkLoggedInUsers date
Shell script parses a log file and forwards a specific value with a timestamp to an output file.
#!/bin/bash logFile="path/logfile" #replace with your log file outputFile="/path/output.txt" #output file #pattern to be searched in file pattern="pattern" #parse file search pattern and save it to output file grep "$pattern" "$logFile" | awk '{ print $1, $2, $3 }' > "$outputFile" echo "Parsing complete, saved to #outputFile"
Shell script to monitor CPU, Memory, and Disk usage and send the output to a file in table format and send an alert if either of them exceeds a certain threshold.
#!/bin/bash ALERT=80 computestats() { printf "Memory\t\tDisk\t\tCPU\n" end=$((SECONDS+3600)) while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do MEMORY=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%.2f%%\t\t", $3*100/$2 }') if [[ $MEMORY -ge $ALERT ]] #ALert for out of memory then echo "Out of memory $MEMORY" fi DISK=$(df -h | awk '$NF=="/"{printf "%s\t\t", $5}') if [[ $DISK -ge $ALERT ]] #ALert for out of memory then echo "Disk out of space $DISK" fi CPU=$(top -bn1 | grep load | awk '{printf "%.2f%%\t\t\n", $(NF-2)}') if [[ $CPU -ge $ALERT ]] #ALert for out of memory then echo "More CPU utilization $CPU" fi echo "$MEMORY$DISK$CPU" sleep 5 done } #copy output to file computestats >> stats.txt
Write a shell script to check the status of a list of URLs and send an email notification if any of them are down.
#!/bin/bash sendEmail() { #Enter your mail id MSG_TO="" #Enter recepient email id MSG_SUBJ="Website down" #Enter email subject SMTP_HOST="" #Enter your smtp host SMTP_PORT="487" #Enter your smtp port MSG_BODY=("Following websites are down:\n\n $1") #Enter email message body echo -e $MSG_BODY | mailx -s "$MSG_SUBJ" -r "$MSG_FROM" -S smtp="$SMTP_HOST:$SMTP_PORT" "$MSG_TO" } downUrls="" checkUrlStatus() { for url in $1 do response= $(curl -is $url | head -n 1) if [[ ! $response =~ "200 OK" ]]; then downUrls+="$url\n" fi done } #Read urls from user echo "Enter list of Urls:" readarray -t urls checkUrlStatus urls #send email if [[ -n $downUrls ]]; then sendEmail $downUrls echo "Email sent for down website" else echo "Websites are up" fi
Write a shell script to automate the process of updating a list of servers with the latest security patches.
#!/bin/bash updateServer() { server=$1 echo "Enter ssh user:" read sshuser echo "Enter path of sshkey for user:$sshuser" read sshkey #ssh into server ssh -i "$sshkey" "$sshuser" #Download the latest software packages from the repositories. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y #Will install only the security updates sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade #Eliminates the need for unplanned maintenance sudo pro enable livepatch #Cleanup unused packages sudo apt autoremove -y } echo "Enter list of servers:" readarray -t servers for server in $servers do updateServer $server done
Shell script to find the files created and their sizes. It should accept the number of days as input. Or a from and to date format as inputs.
#!/bin/bash #Enter start date echo "Enter start date:" read startdate startdate=$(date -d $startdate +%Y-%m-%d) # format in YYYY-MM-DD #Enter end date echo "Enter end date:" read enddate enddate=$(date -d $enddate +%Y-%m-%d) echo "Size\ttDate" find /home/ec2-user -type f -newermt $startdate ! -newermt $enddate -ls | awk '{print $7" "$8" "$9}'Write a shell script to automate the process of updating a list of servers with the latest security patches.
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Written by
Ashvini Mahajan
Ashvini Mahajan
I am DevOps enthusiast and looking for opportunities in DevOps.