Shell Scripting For DevOps

Ritul GuptaRitul Gupta
2 min read



Add variables

Add arguments

Add Conditional Statement

Add for loop

While loop

Add Function


Error Handling

Deploying LIVE Django Project | Error handing |


# Deploy a Django app and handle errors

# Function to clone the Django app code
code_clone() {
    echo "Cloning the Django app..."
    if [ -d "django-notes-app" ]; then
        echo "The code directory already exists. Skipping clone."
        git clone || {
            echo "Failed to clone the code."
            return 1

# Function to install required dependencies
install_requirements() {
    echo "Installing dependencies..."
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nginx docker-compose || {
        echo "Failed to install dependencies."
        return 1

# Function to perform required restarts
required_restarts() {
    echo "Performing required restarts..."
    sudo chown "$USER" /var/run/docker.sock || {
        echo "Failed to change ownership of docker.sock."
        return 1

    # Uncomment the following lines if needed:
    # sudo systemctl enable docker
    # sudo systemctl enable nginx
    # sudo systemctl restart docker

# Function to deploy the Django app
deploy() {
    echo "Building and deploying the Django app..."
    docker build -t notes-app . && docker-compose up -d || {
        echo "Failed to build and deploy the app."
        return 1

# Main deployment script
echo "********** DEPLOYMENT STARTED *********"

# Clone the code
if ! code_clone; then
    cd django-notes-app || exit 1

# Install dependencies
if ! install_requirements; then
    exit 1

# Perform required restarts
if ! required_restarts; then
    exit 1

# Deploy the app
if ! deploy; then
    echo "Deployment failed. Mailing the admin..."
    # Add your sendmail or notification logic here
    exit 1

echo "********** DEPLOYMENT DONE *********"

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Written by

Ritul Gupta
Ritul Gupta

Im looking for an opportunity to start a career in Cloud Technologies where I can enhance my knowledge and skills. Having knowledge and hands-on on Azure Cloud, AWS & Open Source tools - Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Source Version Control, CI/CD Pipelines, and Script.