1.3 Abstract Factory - Creational Pattern : A Practical Approach

In the world of object-oriented design, patterns are crucial for creating flexible and scalable software architectures. Among these design patterns, the Abstract Factory Method is one that often comes into play when dealing with families of related objects. This creational pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

While patterns like Singleton or Factory Method focus on creating individual objects, the Abstract Factory Method takes things a step further by providing a way to create groups of related objects that are designed to work together. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the Abstract Factory Method pattern, its components, how it works in Java, and provide a hands-on example using notifications.

What is the Abstract Factory Method?

The Abstract Factory pattern involves defining an interface for creating families of related objects, but leaves the implementation to the concrete classes. This allows you to create related objects that are designed to work together, without specifying the concrete classes in the client code. Think of it as a "factory of factories."

Here are the key components of the Abstract Factory pattern:

  1. Abstract Products: These are the common interfaces or abstract classes for the products in the family. In our case, we might have Notification and Logger as abstract products.

  2. Concrete Products: These are the actual implementations of the abstract products. For example, EmailNotification and SMSNotification could be concrete products that implement the Notification interface.

  3. Abstract Factory: This defines the method signatures for creating the abstract products (like createNotification() and createLogger()).

  4. Concrete Factories: These are responsible for creating the actual products. For example, EmailNotificationFactory and SMSNotificationFactory are concrete factories that create related products (email and SMS notifications with their respective loggers).

Implementing the Abstract Factory Method in Java

Let’s implement the Abstract Factory pattern using a notification system. We'll have two families of products: Email and SMS notifications, each with its own notification type and logger.

Step-by-Step Code Example

// Abstract Product: Notification
interface Notification {
    void notifyUser();

// Abstract Product: Logger
interface Logger {
    void log(String message);

// Concrete Product: EmailNotification
class EmailNotification implements Notification {
    public void notifyUser() {
        System.out.println("Sending an Email notification");

// Concrete Product: SMSNotification
class SMSNotification implements Notification {
    public void notifyUser() {
        System.out.println("Sending an SMS notification");

// Concrete Product: EmailLogger
class EmailLogger implements Logger {
    public void log(String message) {
        System.out.println("Logging Email notification: " + message);

// Concrete Product: SMSLogger
class SMSLogger implements Logger {
    public void log(String message) {
        System.out.println("Logging SMS notification: " + message);

// Abstract Factory: NotificationFactory
interface NotificationFactory {
    Notification createNotification();
    Logger createLogger();

// Concrete Factory: EmailNotificationFactory
class EmailNotificationFactory implements NotificationFactory {
    public Notification createNotification() {
        return new EmailNotification();

    public Logger createLogger() {
        return new EmailLogger();

// Concrete Factory: SMSNotificationFactory
class SMSNotificationFactory implements NotificationFactory {
    public Notification createNotification() {
        return new SMSNotification();

    public Logger createLogger() {
        return new SMSLogger();

// Client code
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an EmailNotificationFamily
        NotificationFactory emailFactory = new EmailNotificationFactory();
        Notification emailNotification = emailFactory.createNotification();
        Logger emailLogger = emailFactory.createLogger();

        emailLogger.log("Email sent successfully");

        // Create an SMSNotificationFamily
        NotificationFactory smsFactory = new SMSNotificationFactory();
        Notification smsNotification = smsFactory.createNotification();
        Logger smsLogger = smsFactory.createLogger();

        smsLogger.log("SMS sent successfully");

Explanation of the Code

Let’s break down the core components of the Abstract Factory Method pattern in our example:

  1. Abstract Products:

    • Notification: An interface that defines the method notifyUser(), which is implemented by both EmailNotification and SMSNotification.

    • Logger: An interface that defines the method log(String message), implemented by both EmailLogger and SMSLogger.

  2. Concrete Products:

    • EmailNotification and SMSNotification: These are the actual implementations of the Notification interface.

    • EmailLogger and SMSLogger: These are the actual implementations of the Logger interface.

  3. Abstract Factory:

    • NotificationFactory: This interface defines the methods createNotification() and createLogger(), which will be used to create products from related families.
  4. Concrete Factories:

    • EmailNotificationFactory and SMSNotificationFactory: These are the factories that instantiate the concrete products (either email or SMS notification and logger).
  5. Client Code:

    • The client code (in the Main class) uses the factories to create the associated notifications and loggers. It remains agnostic to the concrete classes and simply interacts with the interfaces, ensuring flexibility and extensibility in the future.

When to Use the Abstract Factory Method?

You should use the Abstract Factory pattern in scenarios where:

  • You need to create families of related or dependent objects (like notifications and their loggers) and want to ensure they work together.

  • You want to avoid hardcoding the instantiation of concrete products in your client code.

  • You want to provide an interface for creating objects but leave the exact types to the concrete factories.

The Abstract Factory pattern is especially useful in applications where you need to swap between different families of products without affecting the client code. It allows you to ensure consistency across objects that are intended to work together.


The Abstract Factory Method is an important creational pattern in software design. It provides an elegant solution to creating families of related objects while abstracting away the concrete class details. In our example, we saw how the Abstract Factory pattern could be applied to create families of notifications (email and SMS) and their associated loggers. This pattern encourages flexibility and ensures that the client code is unaware of the concrete class instantiations, making it easier to extend and maintain.

If you’re working on complex systems where multiple related objects need to be created and configured together, consider applying the Abstract Factory pattern to manage the object creation in a more modular and scalable way.

This blog explains how to use the Abstract Factory Method pattern to manage related object families in a structured and flexible way. The code and examples provided should give you a solid understanding of how to implement and use this pattern in Java.

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Venu Madhav Emmadi
Venu Madhav Emmadi