"Now I Am Quietly Waiting For the..."

Miss Yu YuMiss Yu Yu
1 min read

"I Didn't Think You'd Like It"

I am now faced with the daunting task of putting my deeply repressed emotions and feelings into words again.. God help me...

Nothing interesting has been happening in my life lately, saved for the occasional inconvenience of having to adjust to a different job industry.

Now I am quietly waiting for

the catastrophe of my personality

to seem beautiful again,

and interesting, and modern.

The country is grey and

brown and white in trees,

snows and skies of laughter

always diminishing, less funny

not just darker, not just grey. (Frank O'Hara)

Am I the only one who can't stop being sentimental, ruminating on what could have been and should have been? Am I the only one who thinks that it is difficult as a grown adult to straddle the middle ground between being rational and being emotional at the same time?

Is there a healthier way to deal with negative emotions and progress stagnation? How do some men do it? 🤣

I am waiting on the day I can finally say:“That is cap. I am no longer held back by what I thought should have been mine.”

🧢🧢🧢 All facts and no feelings - thank you.

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Written by

Miss Yu Yu
Miss Yu Yu

Dearest Friends & Future Pen-Pals, My name is AFYFH and I am a content writer and a part-time translator. What prompted me to start this blog, was a traumatic event that happened in my early twenties. The blog consists of my introspections, and lessons from my successful friends, and my parents' wildly successful friends. In life, the smartest people learn from their own mistakes, the mistakes of others, and the mistakes of better men in history. Take care. Kind Regards, AFH