Understanding Hashing and Collisions in Java Collections: The Role of hashCode() and equals()

In Java, hash-based collections like HashSet, HashMap, and HashTable use hashing to store objects. These collections rely on the hashCode() and equals() methods to efficiently locate and manage objects. Here's how these methods contribute to the functionality and performance of hash collections, and why handling collisions properly is crucial, especially with custom types.

hashCode() Method

  • The hashCode() method returns an integer hash code for the object.

  • In hash-based collections, this hash code is used to determine where in the collection (which bucket) the object should reside.

  • The default implementation of hashCode() in Object class is typically based on the memory address of the object, but this can and should be overridden in custom types to provide a hash code that reflects the internal state of the object.

equals() Method

  • The equals() method checks if two objects are "equal" in terms of their content or state.

  • It's crucial for determining if an object already exists in the collection, especially when multiple objects have the same hash code (collision).

Handling Collisions

  • A collision occurs when two objects return the same hash code but are not equal (according to the equals() method). This is more likely to happen when custom types are used and the hashCode() method is not properly overridden to account for the unique aspects of the object's state.

  • Proper handling of collisions is essential for the efficiency of hash-based collections. If many objects end up in the same bucket because of collisions, the time complexity can degrade from O(1) to O(n) for operations like add, remove, and search.

Custom Types and Best Practices

  • Override both hashCode() and equals(): When creating custom types that will be used in hash-based collections, it's crucial to override both methods. The equals() method should be overridden to ensure logical equality, and the hashCode() method should be overridden to return hash codes that are distributed uniformly across the int range.

  • Consistency between hashCode() and equals(): If two objects are considered equal by the equals() method, they must return the same hash code. However, the opposite is not required: two objects with the same hash code are not required to be equal.

  • Generating Good Hash Codes: A good hashCode() implementation produces distinct integers for objects that are not equal, reducing the likelihood of collisions. Factors unique to the object's state should influence the hash code.

Let's start with a simple example that demonstrates how collisions can occur in a custom class when hashCode() and equals() methods are not properly overridden. Then, I'll show how to correctly override these methods to fix or mitigate collisions.

Example Demonstrating Collisions

Consider a simple Person class with two fields, name and age, but without overridden hashCode() and equals() methods:

public class Person {
    String name;
    int age;

    public Person(String name, int age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    // No hashCode() or equals() overridden here

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person person1 = new Person("John", 30);
        Person person2 = new Person("John", 30);

        System.out.println("Hashcode of person1: " + person1.hashCode());
        System.out.println("Hashcode of person2: " + person2.hashCode());
        System.out.println("Are person1 and person2 equal? " + person1.equals(person2));

Running this will likely produce different hash codes for person1 and person2, despite them having the same name and age, and equals() will return false because we're using the Object class's default equals() method, which checks for reference equality.

Fixing Collisions by Overriding hashCode() and equals()

To fix this issue and properly manage collisions, override both hashCode() and equals():

import java.util.Objects;

public class Person {
    String name;
    int age;

    public Person(String name, int age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

        Person person = (Person) o;

        if (age != person.age) return false;
        return name != null ? name.equals(person.name) : person.name == null;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
        result = 31 * result + age;
        return result;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person person1 = new Person("John", 30);
        Person person2 = new Person("John", 30);

        System.out.println("Hashcode of person1: " + person1.hashCode());
        System.out.println("Hashcode of person2: " + person2.hashCode());
        System.out.println("Are person1 and person2 equal? " + person1.equals(person2));

In this revised version:

  • The equals() method checks if two Person objects have the same name and age, ensuring logical equality.

  • The hashCode() method uses Objects.hash(Object...), which takes the fields into account to compute the hash code. This ensures that any two Person objects with the same name and age will have the same hash code, properly managing collisions. More details about implementation:

    • Prime Number: Using a prime number reduces the likelihood of collisions, where different objects produce the same hash code. Prime numbers are chosen because they offer a good distribution of hash codes, especially when hashing a combination of fields.

    • Computational Efficiency: The choice of 31 specifically also has a performance aspect. Multiplying by 31 can be efficiently implemented by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as a shift (left by 5 positions) and subtract operation (value << 5) - value. This bit manipulation is faster than an arbitrary multiplication, especially on early architectures. While modern hardware has mitigated this advantage through more efficient multiplication operations, the choice of 31 remains a convention from earlier Java versions for consistency and backward compatibility.

    • Avoiding Collisions: The use of a non-trivial multiplier in hash code calculation helps in producing a more evenly distributed range of hash codes, especially for similar objects that might only differ in one or a few fields. This distribution is vital for reducing the number of collisions in hash tables, leading to better performance of collections like HashMap and HashSet.

With these overrides, person1 and person2 will have the same hash code if they have the same name and age, and equals() will return true, correctly reflecting their equality. This effectively reduces the chances of unnecessary collisions in hash-based collections and maintains the collection's performance.

In summary, while Java's hash collections work seamlessly with standard types, careful attention must be paid when using custom types. Properly overriding the hashCode() and equals() methods in custom classes can greatly reduce the chance of collisions and maintain the performance benefits of hash-based collections.

Author Bio

Rafal Jackiewicz is an author of books about programming in C, C++ and Java. You can find more information about him and his work on Amazon.

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Rafal Jackiewicz
Rafal Jackiewicz

Rafal Jackiewicz is an author of books about programming in C and Java. You can find more information about him and his work on https://www.jackiewicz.org